I squeeze my long legs into the space under the breakfast bar, this apartment was designed for the smalllest people I tell you. I look disheartendly at my cereal, it's boring. I wish we had cocopops, they make your milk chocolatey, and everyone loves chocolate milk. Fact. What's that banging noise? I look up- Jesus! Elsa's got herself locked out on the balcony again, I stare at her with a look of disaproval. She smiles and I laugh. No girl can be more absent minded and goofy. Even though it's laughable, it's enough to make you worry about her constantly. If it was up to me she wouldn't be allowed out in the city by herself. I get up to let her in, as I open the door she launches herself inside.
"You took your time bro! I was getting pneumonia out there." She shivers as I roll my eyes.
"Techinically you would catch hypothermia actually" I correct her.
"Stop being a Know- Oooo cocopops!" Typical. So easily distracted. As we turn to eat, our brother graces us with his "beautiful" presence. He obviously couldn't find anything of his to cover that god awful new tattoo of his as he's wearing my Bob Dylan shirt. He notices me looking.
"You know it looks better on me mate" He winks and leans over to steal my cereal bowl. Vocabulary such as annoying often springs to mind when I think about my brother, but it seems to me that only I think like that, every other human calls him charasmatic. Nah. Just a douche.
We eat in silence, i think that's the thing with siblings, friends feel the need to fill silence with gossip and jokes. Family know that you can just shut up and be.