meeting the others

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You were finally going to meet the others that live in the house. Honestly you were scared but excited at the same time.

*Y/N'S P.O.V*

You tugged at Jeff's hoodie and he looked at you reassuringly. You finally spoke to him "Are you sure they will like me?". He looked at me and said with a smile (it's kinda a permanent smile I'LL STOP) "They will love you.". We finally made it to the living room where everyone was. Jeff slowly walked over to slenderman and talked very quietly so I couldn't hear their conversation. I decided to go see the others that live in the house. I walked up to a random person and just introduced myself "H-hi my n-names Y-Y/N.". He looked at you and smiled at the sight of you. He gently took your hand into his and said "My name is Eyeless Jack my love." And he kissed my hand. I looked at Jeff who was still talking to slenderman and while I wasn't looking EJ (EJ meaning eyeless Jack) was very close to my face and then very quietly whispered into my ear "you wanna go up to my room and have some fun...?". As soon as he said that I pushed him off of me and yelled "NO. G-GET AWAY FROM ME Y-YOU CREEP!!!". Everyone was staring at you and then Jeff walked over to you "What's wrong babe what happened?". You pointed at EJ and Jeff glared at him. He said with a sudden demonic tone "TOUCH HER AND YOUR DEAD!!!!"

*Jeff's P.O.V*

I sighed and carried Y/N up to our room and started to talk to her. "Slenderman said you can't stay." I saw tears forming in her eyes but then Ben jumped out of the closet and said "SIKE WE CAUGHT IT ON CAMERA NICE ONE JEFF!!!!". I saw her glaring at me but then she asked "S-so um I'm allowed to stay?". I looked at her trying not to laugh and said "Yes my love you can stay.". After that she jumped in my arms and fell asleep that way.

*Another Extended Ending*

Ben ended up uploading that video to the internet and all slenderman could say was "What an introduction.".

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