Chapter One ~ The Ross Sisters

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"I'm telling you, man! She is SO into you!"

"Y-You think so? I always thought she had a thing for Peridot..."

"What? No way!"

16-year old Ruby Ross listened to the playful banter between her five younger sisters as they all prepared for the first day back at school. Currently, her 14-year old sister, Navy, and 15-year old Doc were chatting about Navy's current crush; Lapis Lazuli. Ruby's twin, Eyeball, was already ready for school, texting someone on her phone as 13-year old Army and 12-year old Leggy played rock-paper-scissors on the floor.

As her two younger sisters talked, Ruby let out a sigh. She didn't know about her sisters, but she for one was dreading school. Ruby had always had a rough time in school, ever since the 7th grade she had been teased and bullied for having a masculine body and apparently looking like a boy, even though she was obviously female according to her sisters and friends. What made her situation slightly worse was the fact that Ruby loved sports, and even made it on the Basketball Team in her sophomore year, despite literally half the school saying how girls shouldn't play sports. The girl, overall, didn't have many friends or even acquaintances as everyone pretty much judged her. The people she did tolerate consisted of Steven Universe, Amethyst Jackson, Pearl Willows, Peridot Adams, Lapis Lazuli, Connie Maheswaren, and her cousin, Garnet, along with her sisters who also went to high school: Navy, Doc, and Eyeball.

Leggy seemed to notice Ruby's mood as she immediately got up and plopped next to her sister, asking, "Are you ok? You don't seem too happy about today." Eyeball rolled her eyes from the couch, still looking down at her phone. "Well, duh. We're going back to school." "Not helping!" Leggy whined to her older sister, causing Ruby to shake her head while chuckling lowly. "Nah, I'm fine you guys, really." When Ruby muttered that phrase, all five of her sisters turned to look at her, staring intently. "...what?" The 16-year old asked, obviously confused.

Eyeball sighed. "Ok, I'm interested. What's wrong?" Ruby fake coughed and raised an eyebrow. "Huh? What are you—" Army groaned loudly. "C'mon Rubes. You only say 'nah' when there's something on your mind. You always either say 'no' or 'no thanks'." The teen cursed under her breath; why did her sisters have to know her so well?! She then covered her mouth with her hand so no one could see how much she was biting her lip from nervousness. "Oh look! We better get going, don't wanna be late now, do we?" She quickly said, uncovering her mouth now that her lip chewing had subsided.

Navy crossed her arms. "We have 2 hours until the bus comes." Doc stifled a laugh, as she honestly found it hilarious how serious Navy's tone of voice was whenever she was sarcastic or being her smart-ass self. This caused the eldest's face to heat up in embarrassment. "I—uh, um..." "You're not still hung up on the teasing, are you?" Army questioned with a curious look as Navy elbowed her. "Ow!" "You deserved that!" Ruby sighed heavily. "Fine. Yeah, it is. But how can I not? Jasper and the Diamonds have been tormenting me for 3 years, going for a 4th. How am I not gonna think about it?" "Just don't?" Army suggested before being smacked on the head by Doc. "Ow!"

Ruby forced a smile at her sisters. "Yeah. Thanks guys." She said before going up to her room, staring up at the ceiling of the average-sized bedroom she shared with Eyeball. The teenager sighed, more softly this time. "You can do it, Ruby. Just a couple years and you can get a husband, have kids, get surgery to look better, and be like every other girl on the planet." She tightened the red ribbon holding her hair together, frowning slightly. "You can hold yourself together." She looked out the window to see a few kids tagging the wall of her house with, 'SHE-MALE GO DIE', along with other bullying messages. Nothing she wasn't used to. 'I'll clean it up later.' She thought as she saw a familiar white car pull into the driveway.

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