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I don't understand what's so terrible about All Might.

Father never seemed to get along with him, but I don't understand why.

All Might didn't do anything wrong,

But you did...

As a child, I was forced to train until I vomited, all because you wanted me to 'surpass All Might'.

You just want me to accomplish a goal you gave up on. That's what I dislike the most. The fact that you gave up.


I was surprised to hear that All Might was nearby. Maybe if I see for myself, if I take a closer look at him, his movements,

I can see what Father hates so much.

I search the city, town, and the park, but no luck. My final search place is the beach.

As I walk by the trashy area, I can hear someone struggling. A child? I follow the sounds slowly.

As I get closer to the noise, I hide behind a pile of trash and look a little above, only to find a small curly haired boy with green hair and eyes trying to move a giant refrigerator. A tall, blonde man is standing right beside him, and he seems to be encouraging him... Wait a moment...

That's All Might, in the flesh.

And he's helping the weak little boy... Train?

As much as I'd like to see more, I look at my watch to see that it's time for dinner. I glance one last time, watching as the boy tries with all his might (lol get it HAHAHA..... I'll stop now.) to move the large object. I walk away. My mission was originally to find what's so bad about All Might, but now I want to find out about this boy who seems to be working under the #1 Hero.

I wonder if the small boy will be there tomorrow...

I visit the same beach the next day, and this time All Might isn't there with the boy. Today, a blonde skeleton-looking man seems to be pushing the boy to run faster. Maybe All Might's cousin? Well, it doesn't matter. I watch the boy struggle to keep up with his own exercises. The one thing that is very clear to me is...

He's not giving up.

I don't know how, but ten months pass, and I'm still taking time out of my day to admire the hardworking boy. One day, I decide to visit the trashy beach early in the morning. As I'm making my way there, I notice something different from the distance. I run to see what was so off, and as I get closer I'm stunned. All the waste that covered the beach was gone... All of it. Now that all the trash is gone, the beach looks just magnificent. As I admire the speckles coastline, I notice a small figure stand on top of all the trash that was moved to a nearby spot.

It was the green-haired boy, and he was standing tall and proud.

He was shirtless and seeing his now toned muscles made my cheeks tint pink. Now that I look at this boy, this hero... I no longer care about my fathers grudge against anything. I want to put those thoughts aside and focus on the boy in front of me. He seemed so determined, durable, and of course, gorgeous...

I had to know more!

I turn my back and wait for the green-haired boy to leave the beach. As I'm waiting, a figure rushes out. To my surprise, it's the boy I was waiting for. Without being obvious, I try to catch up to him. As I'm running, I realize that we're headed to UA High, the school I got recommended into. Is this guy going to take the exams today? If he is, I just want to tell him-

"Hey!" I call out to the small boy(I so badly wanted to put in smol boi but then I thought 'Shoto doesn't think like that lol'... Ok back to the story), who stops and turns to my sudden call. As he stands there I look at him awkwardly in the eyes. I was never a very social person, but now I really have to try. I start to speak,

"I-I just w-wanted to say... that I really liked, um, your-"

"I know you."

I suddenly pause for a moment. I don't remember introducing myself to him, so how does he know me?

"You're the guy who's always at the beach, I train there and I always notice yo-"

"Can I have your number?!"

The green-haired boy looks at me with a surprised expression. I realized I interrupted him from speaking, I put my head a little down as my face tints red. Then the boy walks closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Sure, I think I'd be fun getting to know you," he says, then put a big toothy smile on his cute face.

That only made me blush even more, but I shook it off and exchanged numbers with him.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"uh-Shoto. Shoto Todoroki."

"Nice to meet you, Todoroki, I'm Izuku Midoriya."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I know its short but I really tried T^T. I'm working on my summer homework so it's hard to keep up with Wattpad... But I promise I will be back soon with awesome content! But for now,

*𝕀𝕟𝕜𝕚𝕚 𝕙𝕒𝕤 𝕝𝕖𝕗𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕥*

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