Variation of Supernatural Boarding School by Mokita

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"Willow, why are you doing that?" My mum asked. "Mum you know why, I'd preferred to be called the new girl and the weird kid because I've had that before and it didn't phase me but I refuse to be acknowledged as inferior, when we both know that if I wanted to I could easily hospitalize all of them" I said. "But dear you don't know what it's like here so you can't be prejudice". "There's a difference between being prejudice and being cautious, plus this will help me segregate my friends from those who like me for me and not because of who or what I am." "Well if you're sure Willow." "Of course I am mum." "Alright then but remember Willow, I love you" "I love you too mum."

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence, both delved so deep within their thoughts that not even a submarine could trace their whereabouts. They seemed to resurface from the depths of their minds when a spectacular building crossed their line of sight. It was grand and appeared to be like a medieval castle with its cobble-stoned towers, arched doorway and by the looks of it the main building was further back. "I am glad you have a good sense of direction Willow." "So am I, otherwise I would be like a lost little kid in Costco and I'll probably be late for everything, resulting in multiple detentions." "Mrs and Miss Sage we have arrived at the Supernatural Boarding School" John our driver said as we stepped out of the car. "Thank you John, um could you please stay in the front seat whilst I talk to my daughter." "As you wish Mrs Sage." "Willow you know that you don't have to be here but they can offer you things that we can't, but on the plus side you can come home on the weekends if you want and holidays too. Remember 'Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind'. If you need us tell us and we will be there as fast as supernaturally possible. I love you Willow." my mother says with tears in her eyes. "I know mum and I'm pretty sure I have an advantage over other kids, considering everything that I have been taught and remember you,dad and pretty much everyone else in the family have taught me how to fend for myself. However if needs be I will call you immediately and I am here because I want to enhance my knowledge and abilities. Love you too mum" I gave her a hug as we dwelled in my last moments before I enter my new school. "Bye mum!" "Bye hun! Make sure to call once you've settled in." "I will."

A/N{Their last name is Sage but its French so it's pronounced differently and translates to 'Wise' in English}

I waved until they drove down the smooth straight road with my six large suitcases and 2 big rucksacks behind me. Luckily I came while the other students are still in class because otherwise someone was bound to bump into me. I swept my hands over my bags and snapped my fingers making them levitate not far behind me as I made my way to my dorm. Some of you are probably wondering why I'm not going to the principle to get my dorm number, room key, schedule, etc. Well my mother and I planned ahead and got all the information I needed. I headed to room 606 and unlocked the door and closed it once my belongings and I were inside. When I walked in I was surprised because I noticed that I have a room to myself. You may be wondering as to why I find this surprising, it was because I was told that it is 4 people per dorm. However my room seems quite new and uninhabited. "Yes!" Some people may find this hard to believe but I find solitude quite comfortable, now I'm not saying I'm a loner but even back home my group of friends wasn't big. To be honest it was quite concise and I loved it like that. I mumbled an spell in my head and directed my hands at my bags and watched my magic go to work. Suddenly clothes start flying about, folding and organizing themselves in certain drawers; hanging themselves neatly within my wardrobe. Whilst my dad was looking into the school he called them about what would be in my dorm and they told him that my dorm specifically came with a mini fridge,hob set, grill and oven, so me being the girl I am asked him if I can have a mini freezer and he told me no but he said I could take some cutlery from home. So then I was saying how it wouldn't be his electricity, I would pay for half of it and that if he didn't I would just get into trouble for raiding the fridge after hours for ice-cream, chicken nuggets and sausage rolls. Eventually he gave in and right now I am setting it up and I still got to take some cutlery. It was quite easy so I don't understand why people say D.I.Y is a mans job. That's just downright sexist! I made my bed with bed sheets that I brought from home, the one I used were Lilo and Stitch. Fortunately my bed and the sheets were both made for double beds and I even brought two pillows because call me greedy but I like having four pillows. I organized my hats and sunglasses on my chest of drawers happy with the overall design. I strolled into the front room and noticed a large TV so I took advantage of it by hooking up my DVD player, Nintendo Wii and X-box Kinect just to make sure that I would enjoy myself to the fullest and run up the electricity bill without my parents complaining. I took out 3 games/DVD racks from one of my suitcases and began organizing the DVD's, X-box and Wii games separately and in alphabetical order. Now I am settled I sent a text to my mum saying how i was going to venture the school while the students are in class.

I had just left and locked my dorm. Immediately I casted the spell of invisibility so that anyone roaming the halls won't see me, I even turned my schedule invisible but I can still see it. I marked down the route i would take to get from my room to my first class and then from class to class. Unfortunately by the time I was ready to make my way to where the lunch hall should be it seemed like it was lunch time for everyone. I just marvelled at the sight simply because there where so many people and the food smelt quite good so I will probably be spending lunch in here. I pre-analyzed the so called 'groups' and how well I would fit in with them, for example: The popular's, jocks, nerds etc. But not all of the groups were like that, from what I can see there were groups of just one species and there were mixed species so I just assumed they were friends. I didn't see anyone that I would fit in with but then again I don't know them.

I began walking back to my room so I could cook my chicken nuggets. "Omph" "He-Hello. I-Is anyone there?" I picked myself up off the ground and saw a boy with brown curls and quite a red nose. He's probably sick. Ha he reminds me of Rudolf! "Yea I'm here, I'm Willow by the way" I held out my hand for him to shake. The boy shook his head, almost like he was trying to get rid of something. "I really need to go to the school nurse, I knew I was sick but experiencing hallucinations is taking things waaay too far." It was only then I realized that I was still invisible so I showed enough of myself to make sure that he know's there's a person with him. "Sorry about that, I didn't realize that I was still 'non-existing.'" He shook my hand. "Hello Willow, sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Simon. May I ask how you managed an invisibility spell?" "Well Simon as you seem like a nice guy I'll let you in on a little secret of mine"I leaned in close to him "I've been training longer than the average supernatural and my parents consider me as 'special'"I pulled back, watching his shocked expression with amusement. "Well if I had met you under different circumstances I would have considered you a werewolf or a vampire, only because those groups have quite tall girls. Whilst fairies and witches are short and average height. To be honest you are the only tall female witch I know." "I'm flattered to be the first exceptionally tall witch you have ever met. I have two questions. 1-What type of super are you? and if you hadn't seen me use magic, why else would you have thought I was a werewolf or a vampire?" "Well I'm a fairy." "Cool" Simon looks at me shocked once again. "Why aren't you surprised?!" "Is your species suppose to define who you are or something in this school because I'm not about that life." "Well that's how it is for some people but I was just surprised that you weren't surprised because I'm the only existing male fairy in the world." "One reason for me to say your awesome, I'll probably find more when I get to know you." "You haven't been around here long have you?" "Nope, actually I'm new. Why?" "I don't really have many friends and I'm fine with the friends I have. It's just that I get called a faggot because all the other fairies are girls but I'm a boy." "Well then tell those people to educate themselves because a faggot is an English meatball and they can't call you gay either because that means happy. And knowing the ignoramuses that called you these things they are too lazy to say you are homosexual." I said while I smiled at him. "Wow thanks, not even my friends have said something like that, they would usually just tell me to brush off the comments. Nice facts you threw in there too." "Thanks its all in a days work. Hey do you want me to walk you to your dorm because you don't look too good. No offence." "If you want and none taken" He said as a boyish grin lingered on his lips. "Hey Simon, what's your last name?" "Summers." "Its funny that both our last names begin with the same letter as our first names." "What's your last name?" "Wise so my name is Willow Wise, I'm one 'W' away from people saying that my initials stand for 'World Wide Web', whilst yours are S.S like a ship." Our whole conversation was story telling,fact sharing and interrogations. Fortunately for me he didn't ask about why I was using an invisibility spell. After that we said our good bye's and strolled back to my dorm to enjoy my chicken nuggets.

Author's note:How do you like the first chapter? Leave your comments below and remember that this will hopefully be one of many short stories. Comment what you think of the characters that have been introduced so far and if you think you know why Willow was invisible.

Variation of Supernatural Boarding School by MokitaWhere stories live. Discover now