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Night was slowly creeping like a blanket, a cool breeze coming in as I cuddled in my black sweater;searching for warmth. Although I've been born and raised in New York for 16 years, I can't help but marvel at the bright, beautiful lights and skyscrapers. The rushing feeling that pumps in your veins when you walk in the crowded streets around a sea of people is exhilarating. You feel alive, and no other city can make you feel that way.

I was listening to music, the blue earbuds blasting my ears as it blocked the menacing sounds and roars of taxi's, buses, and cars. I was walking home, late from track practice. My mom sent me a text a few minutes ago to help her with dinner. Apparently, my relatives all they way from California were visiting and we had to be top-notch and flawless to them. So to arrive quicker, I took the shortcut- which was a dark alleyway- instead of the safe yet crowded streets of the city. Besides, I've passed through the alleyway millions of times before so it would be alright.

But I still couldn't prevent my escalating breaths and my heartbeat increasing rapidly as it hammered against my chest. I glanced to my left to see some people in hoods selling '' the stuff ''. They couldn't care less about me, yet a guy with a scruffy beard and sandy hair eyed my purse and back-pack. Making it obvious, he left his pack and started following me, right behind my heels. I hugged my purse closer to my chest as i quickened my pace;my neon purple sneakers blazing a bright neon trail against the rubble.Cool sweat began forming on my forehead and taking a shaky breath that burned as it pooled in my lungs, I broke out in a full-out run. The music that i was listening to was now a blurred sound;the cool wind stinging my rosy cheeks and strands of my long dark black hair whipping around me. Just a few more blocks...

Suddenly, a great force collapses on me as i fell face first onto the cracked pavement, my Iphone5 and headphones skidding across the grubble. I instinctively placed my hand to my face as crimson blood began trickling down my nose;crap. I felt dizzy, my head pounding while my ears were ringing. Someone began dragging me by my feet and a groan escaped from my parted lips.

My eyes began to droop heavily before getting slammed against the brick wall, catching a glimpse of thte sandy-haired man. His breaths were short and heavy--like a dog panting and the only scent I took in was the pungent smell of alcohol;it was so strong that I choked on it. He snatched my purse and back-pack and rummaged through it. '' Don't you have any money? '', he scoffed before trashing them on the ground, the materials scattered amongst the now empty alleyway.

No, I don't. Just a couple of bucks and a ten dollar giftcard to Starbucks, I mentally replied. Isn't that enough for you?!

My head stopped spinning and I snapped back into reality. With narrowed, angry eyes I kicked his crotch and bent his index finger as he doubled over in pain. I then spit on him, his face stained with my blood and saliva. As I ran, I tripped on my shoe-laces and fell down. Again. I scoffed inwardly but it came out as a groan. Typical.

The thug grabbed my ankles and I tried kicking, but reached to no avail. He turned me around and laid on top of me, roughly cupping my blood face. A sick smile crept across his lips. '' Fiesty. I dig that. ''

'' Rot in hell '', I spat, but of course it came out as a feeble whisper. The man chuckled dryly, a mischevious glint in his peircing eyes. I was on the verge of tears but blinked them away rapidly to prevent them from falling.

'' Please '', I whimpered, not caring that i was begging him to spare me from the evil and sick plans he had for me. When it always came down to the last minutes of your life, you would always beg to breathe and live another day. '' Stop ''

Im gonna die, I thought. This is it.

Miraculously, all the weight is lifted off my shoulders and i exhale;not even realizing I was holding my breath. My vision began clearing and I saw a person in a red and blue suit punch the thug. The thug landed on his bottom before scurrying away from me;from him. His eyes possesed so much fear that the devilish look he had earlier was long gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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