Quarter Spark

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Has there ever been a time when you knew that that wasn't the place that you were supposed to be?

Well that was how Rye Kevens felt. For her whole life she had been the freak at school, because of the marks that she carried. Marks that told of her heritage, mysteries. Black marks, blue and red eyes.

She was the person who always felt alone. Until the day that the reason for all her sorrow apperse. Along with her friend Asher, she learns of a power that was the reason of her fear.

StarSoar the daughter of GalexySeer and Lord Megatron. 

From the time of meeting Setenal Prime, to Unicron, to Primus. The troubles that one sparkling gose through can not exceed the possiblity of love. 

For her there was only love from SolorReflect, daughter of the medic Ratchet. She was the next Arileset, a power that was lost to the sands of time on Cybortron. 

She, FlameCharge, SolorReflect, RocketWing, and the rest of what remains of life on Cybortron will unfold a tale of time. She will be the Quarter Spark until the time that she is a Full Spark...

There is more than meets the eye...

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