Chapter 1

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Hey there guys! I hope that you like this. It is my first one.

......................................................................................................................................................................Rye's POV

         "Freak! No one wants to see you around. Why dont you just run away?!" The jock spat in my face. Pinned against a wall, I could do nothing but struggle. The corse feeling of the bricks shoved into my spine. I had a long gash from running into a bent fence. I was litterly black and blue.

        "Let me go!" I tried to scream. He did nothing but laugh. His beefed out arm pinned my neck while his body made the rest of me pinned.

        "Know what?" He wispered low into my ear. I knew what was coming. Then it hit me, litteraly. He threw a punch into my gut. Making the sandwich I had earlier come up. Blue tears rolled down my markings. They are the reason that they are always picking on me.

        Black markings that they had found me with. I had been fostered for most of my life. All of the parents didn't want me. I was a freak and I was starting to belive them.

       When I get mad or frustaded, the marks glow. Neon blue lights up my face, making it look like someone stuffed bulbs in my cheeks. Mostly the light covers my eyes and the markings. My blood does too, and then very bad things happen.

        The jock was about to kick me in the face when a hand stopped him in mind air.

        "No one touches the femme." I heard some one growl. This was not your average grow this was a threating growl of a beast.

        I looked up with all the strenght that I had to a tall man with blood red eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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