Chapter 1: I'm always late

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Chapter 1: I'm always late

Ok, so how to start.  My family is a really messed up one, but not in a good way.  I don't get along with my mom because she has really bad points of view.  I live with my brother and mom.  We live in a nice house in Miami close to the beach.    My mom and brother get along really well.  My brother tells everything to my mom and my mom to him.  They keep secrets together and don't even tell me which makes me mad. 

"mom, i'm late for my soccer practice AGAIN." I yelled to my mom

My mom isn't really a timing person.  If you tell her at 8, she comes at 9.  I am always hurrying her to get in time but it never happens. So, as you may inferring, yes I am always late to school. 

"Don't hurry me, Sofia.  You had your time to prepare, it's my turn" She yelled back angry

"Hurry up, coach will make me run twice and will make do 100 push ups." I said angry, leaving my house.

I waited in the car until my mother came but she was really slow, so I yelled at her to hurry up.

When she decided to come out, she was on the phone, NOTHING UNUSUAL.  It bothers me that she is always on the phone and doesn't talk to me and when I ask her something, she responds really nice so the person on the phone hears how nice she is.  Which I take advantage of it and when I want to go out I ask her when she is on the phone so she will say yes. 

I arrived to the park and got out in a hurry yelling her bye. 


" Come pick me up" I send her a text

My mom takes like 2 hours to look at my text, so I texted her so I had time play a little with the boys who where in the park. 

"Are you leaving with me?" my soccer friend, Cloe, asked.  When my mother didn't answer the phone or told me she was going to be late, Cloe took me to my house cause I live close to her. 

Whenever she asked, I had to call my mom because if she says that she can't pick me up then I had to leave with Cloe. 

I called her but she didn't answer.  Oh, you don't know how much it bothers me that she never answers but always has the phone with her.  It's like she doesn't care about me.  I could be dying and she won't know cause she is too busy not answering. 

"Um, my mom isn't answering so I will saty here till she does" I said to her trying to mantain my anger inside. 

She knew I was at soccer practice and that they ended at 7pm, but she couldn't answer the phone.  And what bothers me more is leaving with Cloe.  I mean, I love her but I want my mother to look up for me.  My mother looks for me but not everytime. 

"Are you sure you don't wanna leave with me?" Cloe asked

"Yeah, besides I didn't brought my keys to the house and it's locked.  Clayton it's at his friends house" She insisted

Clayton is my big brother, him and I get along really well.  I cover up for him and he covers up for me.  He's 16 and i'm 14. 

I was in the park for about two hours.  One of the coches was finishing his practice with some boys, so I watched the practice.

This really handsome boy, called Vince, sat next to me.  He's my friend and he's smoking hot but I don't know if I like him, I have mix feelings I guess. 

"What you doing here so late?" he asked with his british accent

As soon as he talked, I melted.  His voice makes me fall for him.  I realized I was kind of fan girling and snapped out of it.

"My mom hasn't pick me up" I said kind of pissed

While saying my phone rang and it was my mother. 

"And, talking of the queen, she decides to call" I said pissed

Vince looked at me and laughed

I answered the phone and she told me where was I.  I got mad and told her at soccer practice where she was suppose to pick me up two hours ago.  She said she will be here in five minutes, to start walking to the parking.  I hung up and looked at VInce

"I have to go, see you tomorrow" I said to him with a smile

She kissed goodbye and left the park.

As soon as she left, she got anew message from him.  She smiled and got in the car where here mother was waiting angry.

"Don't talk to me like that.  I was at church, that's why I didn't answer.  Next time, you live with Cloe" she said angry.  This time she finally wasn't on the phone

"Mom, you know I have practice, yet you don't care to bother and text.  Or go to the bathroom and tell me you were going to church or at least when you were taking me to the practice tell me you were going to church.  But you were too busy in your call that didn't bothered to even talk to me" I said practically yelling

The rest of the ride whe were in complete silence.  I looked at the text and realized I hadn't answered and texted him back.  He had texted me hi and I replied back saying: hi, sorry for not answering quicker.  I got a chat from my mom. haha

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