Chapter 2: is it a date?

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Chapter 2: Is it a date?

After 5 minutes or so Vince replied: "Hey, sorry I was showering.  What you doing?"

When I saw that he texted I started smiling, but the thing is, I don't know if I like him but everytime he texts I get all excited. 

"No prob, just watching tv, you?" I responded inmedietly.  I looked at my phone after I send the text waiting for him to answer. 

"Same,but about to eat something. I need to tell you something" he replied

OOOHH, LORRD! He replied fast, I can' believe it.  What was he going to tell me?  Was he going to tell me that he liked me?  Nahh, I don't think so.  I think he has a girlfriend.

"sure, tell me"  I said trying to sound casual

"Someone has a crush on you, someone from soccer ;)' he replied instantly

Was he talking aboout him? Was he talking about a friend of his?  Or maybe he was just messing.  What if it's about him? Is this he's way on saying it. 

"Really? Who?" I responded inmedietly waiting for him to say who it is

"uuhh, im not supposed to tell you.  But, I can set up a blind date and i'll just third wheel"

"okk, but do I know him? Is he pretty? If he's ugly please don't make make a date. haha"

Well, know I know it's not about me since he' going to third wheel.

"ohhh yeah, I think.  Tomorrow at 8? or at 9? to the movies"

"tomorrow I have soccer until 7 and you knwo how my mother is. Soo, I need a raincheck"

"ooh, rightt.  But you can leave with me after practice and you can shower at my house and get ready here.  If you want to"

Did he just inivted me to his house?  This is not possible, I can't believe it. But the problem is that the date is not with him, it's with his friend.

"yeah, i'll ask my mom.  I'll tell you tomorrow.  Does your mom mind?"

"no, I just asked them both.  They said it's okay."

"well cool then, i'll text you tomorrow" I said finishing the conversation 

 He answered ok, bye but I didn't replied. 


"good morning, you coming?" Vince texted me on the morning, that was my morning text.

"good morning, yeaah!" I replied

I went to the bathroom and cleaned my teeth.  I then went down to the kitchen

"Hey honey, good morning.  What do you want for breakfeast?" my mom said while I was petting my dog, Roxy.

"An egg sandwich please" I said still petting Roxy

I went to the couch and my brother was there watching tv.  I jumped on his lap and started laughing when I saw his face.  He looked pretty tired and when I jumped on him he woke up.  He looked at me and started to tickle me. I started laughing until I went out of breath.  My brother is super overprotective and if I told him I was going to Vince's house he would probably go into th house with me. 

"What you gonna do today?" I asked at him with my face on his lap. 

"I'm going on a date with Tasha"

"whose Tasha?" I asked, this girl, she never heard about her

"This girl I met online, i'm going to meet her today"

"well, goodluck.  Maybe she is a control freak or she gets so hung up that she follows you home and haunts you on your sleep" I said laughing

"hahaha, it;s not funny.  She's nice" he said sarcastilly

"Clayton, Sofia, breakfeast is done."

We ate breakfeast as a family.  While eating I got a friend request from facebook.  I look at who it was, and it was my worst nightmare.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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