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Connor, again, tilted his head. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. He shrugged it off, following his objective like he always had. "Hello?" He called out, pushing door after door open. "Mr. Kamski? We've come to find you." He hummed quietly, his servos working at a mile a minute as he tried to process what was happening.

He didn't know Elijah Kamski too well, mostly from what he had looked up on the man after Hank had told him. Which wasn't much. Just that he was an asshole and not to trust him too much. For a split second, Connor wondered why. Wondered, like a human... No. No, he wasn't thinking like a human. He was just an android, after all.

As Connor approached one of the last doors, he heard something break where he guessed the kitchen was, almost sprinting to find Hank, a tall bottle of expensive looking alcohol in his hand, another smashed on the ground. He should have guessed it was just Hank, trying to find booze. "Lieutenant Anderson," he started, walking over to clean the mess this Human had made. "You cannot just look through other people's things like this."

Hank just shrugged, taking a long gulp from the black bottle in his hand. "Meh. Even though Elijah isn't too good a guy, he has fantastic taste in wine." The scruffy man then made his way towards to pool room, disappearing from sight, while Connor just shook his head.

Back to business at hand, he thought, as he walked back over towards that last door, pushing it open to see multiple Android parts on a large bed, the bathroom door open, as Connor opened his scanners up. He noted a strange sequence of letters and numbers above each piece, the coin that he had in his hand flicking from finger to finger. Steam seeped from the bathroom, keeping Connor's curiosity peaked, as he made his way slowly towards it, stopping to push the door open slowly. His sensors went off, LED changing from Blue to a flashing Red, stopping in his tracks at what he was looking at.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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