Chapter Seven: Sirius is Given a Trial

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By Rita Skeeter
Recent evidence shows that Sirius Black, Heir and now Lord of the most noble and ancient house of Black, has in fact never been given a trial. So could this man be in fact innocent? Well, dear readers, I will be at his trial coming up soon and will be reporting all that I hear to you all.

For more information on Sirius Black go to page 6
For more information about the most noble and ancient house of Black go to page 8


The day has come, Lucius was able to get Sirius Black a trial. He is currently sitting in the center chair chained down.

"Order! We are here today for the trial of Sirius Orion Black. You are convicted of 13 counts of murder and of being a Death Eater. How plead you," says Amelia Bones.

"Not guilty."

"Very well. Please administer the Vertasium," Amelia gestures to a guard and he puts three drops on Sirius's tongue.

"What is your name?"

"Sirius Orion Black."

"What is your birthday?"

"November 3rd, 1959."

"Are you a Death Eater?"


Gasps were heard all around.

"Did you kill twelve muggles?"


"Who did kill the twelve muggles?"

"Peter Pettigrew."

More gasps.

"Did you kill Peter Pettigrew?"


"What happened to Peter Pettigrew?"

"He turned into his animagus, a rat, after cutting off a finger and ran down the drain."

"Were you the Potter's Secret Keeper?"


"Who was the Potter's Secret Keeper?"

"Peter Pettigrew."

Amelia motions to the guard, "Give him the antidote."

Sirius is given the antidote and is looking a bit nervous now.

"All who say he is guilty?"

Three people raise their hands.

"All who say he is innocent?"

The rest raise their hands.

"Sirius Black, we find you innocent of all charges. You will be given 10,000 gallions for compensation."

After the trial, Tom and Hydrus collect Sirius at the floo.

"Come on Siri. Let's get you home."

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