First Class Ticket To Fame. (boyxboy)

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Person on the side is Cade also known as Colton Haynes from teen wolf.

It was a nice sunny day at kings high; everyone was happily greeting their friends with warm welcomes from just recently getting off of summer break and being forced to go back for another year. Well everyone except Aiden Clark, you see Aiden wasn’t very chipper on his first day of grade eleven in fact he hated it, it meant no more sleeping in and even harder worksheets from even harder teachers.

Sighing, he walked into the front doors of kings high and was greeted by his overly excited best friend, Cade Wells, “Hey man, you won’t believe what I did this summer!””

“Let me guess, you hooked up with Bethany Johnson at a party took her back to your place, fucked her, and now she’s pregnant,” Aiden crossed his arms around his chest and tapped his foot impatiently.

Cade backed up at the assumption and let out a loud laugh, “Dude she’s a virgin, everyone knows you can’t get pregnant if you haven’t had sex before.”

Aiden slapped his forehead with his right hand, “Cade… please for the love of god tell me you wore a condom.”

“Well yeah, obviously, I mean who knows what kind of STD’s she’s carrying.” Cade rolled his eyes as if Aiden was being the stupid one here.

“I thought you said she was a virgin?”  Aiden asked.

“Bro, I like just said that. God, and everyone calls me the stupid one.”  Cade turned away from Aiden and was about to walk down the hall when he bumped into Sam White, causing him to crash onto the floor his books sprawling out across the hallway.

“I-I’m so sorry Cade! I’ll watch where I’m going next time, I promise.” Sam was rushing around the hallway picking up all his loose papers when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He looked up and saw Cade standing above him with a smile on his face, “Hey kid, don’t worry about it. What are you doing in this school anyway; you look like you’re supposed to be in grade eight.”

A frown etched its way onto Sam’s face and he went back to picking his books up off the ground.

Aiden walked over to Cade scowling, “Cade what the fuck man, that’s Sam White. That kid’s been in love with you since fifth grade. He’s only a year younger than us, the hell you don’t remember him. He sends you a card and gift for every holiday.”

Cade glared at Aiden then down at Sam, “Well maybe he didn’t get the memo that I’m not a faggot,” and stormed off.

Aiden saw tears crowning Sam’s eyes so he got on his knees and started helping him collect the papers, “Sam he doesn’t mean it I promise. He’s probably just over tired okay; don’t let it get you down.”

Sam nodded and looked over at Aiden picking up the last book, “Aiden, you know what’s the worst part about him calling me stuff like that.”

Aiden raised his eyes to look at Sam and handed him the pile of papers and books he had in his hands, “what?”

Sam looked down at his feet again and whispered, “Is the fact that even after that, I still love him.”

                After Sam walked away from Aiden, he decided it was time to get to class. So with his backpack on his shoulder Aiden sprinted to pre-calculus. He saw Cade sitting in the back corner surrounded by all his soccer friends and some gymnastic girls; he decided not to bother him and sat up at the front.

                The bell rang and all the kids scattered to their seats trying to get the best ones, meaning the ones that were closest to their friends.  When Mr. Johnson walked in, yes it was Bethany’s dad, someone tapped Aiden on the shoulder, and he turned around and saw Sam smiling at him.

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