Lost Chapter: Sex

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Chapter Writer's Note: Hi it's MySecretStash. I am writing this chapter for TheSingleWriter for those who want to read Aurey and Vechs have sex. I am pretty good at adopting styles of writing so I hope I am not to far off her style. Bai!

Aurey walked quickly through Vechs base. She was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago but she had been held up. She hoped she wasn't to late and, Notch forbid, had been dismissed from the dark haired man's thoughts. She peeked into his bedroom or Inner Sanctum, as he called it. She gasped a little bit. Her Vetchy was in his boxers, tidying clothes on their shelf. She knew she shouldn't stare but damn, he was hot. So muscly from all the mining, five years worth no less. Aurey began to drool and immediately shut her mouth. She backed up down the hall and called his name, pretending not to have seen him.
When Vechs heard Aurey call his name he went to find her. She was about two meters from his doorway now.
"Hey Aurey!" He greeted her.
"Hi Vetchy." She responded, a blush spreading across her face.
"Why the red face Rel Rel?" He asked.
"Y-You're not wearing any p-pants." She stuttered.
He looked down and saw she was right. He was just in his boxers.
"Like what you see?" Vechs asked, striking a pose.
Aurey's face turned a nice shade of scarlet and she muttered something incoherently.
"What was that Aurey?" Vechs questioned deviously.
"Yes." Aurey said insanely softly.
"That's what I thought." Vechs replied.
Then Vechs took a moment to appreciate his girl. Slender but curvy with a slight build. She was so Aurey. In fact, he often got hard around her. Not that she noticed. She had told him no the last time he had gotten lustful with her, not that he could blame her. Earlier that day, during a MindCrack celebration dinner, Etho had accused them of having sex during a conversation with GenerikB and the whole of MindCrack had been listening in. Including Vechs and Aurey. Needless to say, she had fled the scene with him following. That had been a month ago and their relationship was going strong. And, despite it only having been a month, they were in love and Vechs had been hot and bothered for four months and was at his wits end. So, standing there in his underwear and Aurey only in her dress, having left the cape at home, and probably her panties he was suddenly felt four months of desire flood through him and make him want to fuck that girl till she couldn't walk. Vechs took two steps forward and pressed his lips to Aurey's. He picked her up, still kissing her and brought her into his bedroom. He laid her on the bed, still wildly kissing her. He licked her lip and she gasped, allowing him to sneak his tongue into her mouth. Aurey gasped again but allowed it. When they finally stopped swapping spit, they were both gasping.
"Vechs what-" Aurey started, panting.
Vechs cut her off.
"Don't deny me this Aurey. I've been wanting to do this for four months. Even though, in the beginning, I though it was just my body reacting to a gorgeous woman but now I know I want you." Vechs growled.
Aurey looked into his sky blue eyes and saw lust. Pure, undiluted lust. And it made her resolution cave. And Vechs saw this. He carefully put his hand on her chest and gripped gently. Aurey squeaked adorably. Vechs licked his lips. He was feeling his diabolical side emerging more.
"You like that?" He asked her lustfully.
Aurey nodded.
Vechs reached down and grabbed the hem of her dress and yanked it up. It flew over her head and he threw it on the floor. Aurey wore a tight band on fabric to contain her cleavage like they had long ago and white panties.
"Someone likes to get into the spirit." Vechs commented, giving the fabric a gentle pull so she knew what he was talking about.
Aurey blushed. Vechs flipped her into a sitting position and went behind her to undo the fabric. Aurey sighed when the fabric fell off her. Vechs came back around and grabbed her breast. She made the squeaking noise again. Vechs put Aurey on his lap and started kissing her again while groping her. Aurey had her nails digging into Vechs' back but he didn't give a shit.
"Vechs stop." Aurey said suddenly.
Vechs stopped and looked at her, wondering if something was wrong. Aurey was panting hard and he realized that she was about to come. He smirked evilly.
Aurey opened her eyes when she regained her breathe. Vechs was smirking at her. She blushed. That's when she realized his hard-on was poking her butt. She giggled. Aurey shifted and rubbed her butt on Vechs erection.
Vechs realized that Aurey had found his feelings about this when she rubbed her soft rump on his erection. He groaned.
"You like that?" She murmured in his ear, repeating his earlier words.
"You bet it Rel Rel." Vechs murmured back.
Aurey got of his lap and pulled his boxers down. Vechs in-took air sharply as the cold air hit his aroused sexual organ. Aurey was sitting on her knees looking at it. He was actually pretty big, which made sense with him being over six feet tall. He was probably nine inches. Curiously, Aurey prodded his erection.
Vechs looked down at Aurey when she poked it. The he gasped when she put her warm little had around it and brought said hand up and down once.
Aurey, encouraged by Vechs reaction, began enthusiastically stroking his shaft. After awhile, Vechs gripped her arm and she stopped. She looked up. The onyx haired man had his face scrunched up, eyes shut and was fisting the sheet with his other hand. She smiled, happy she effected him that way. Aurey got up and stood in front of Vechs.
When he opened his eyes, Vechs saw his topless beauty standing in front of him. He hooked his thumbs in her panties and pulled them down. Aurey gracefully stepped out of her panties and sat on Vechs lap again, his hard in between her thighs. Vechs felt Aurey's wetness and... a lack of hair. He gave her a questioning look. She shrugged as if to say, No idea. There was a truthful glint in Aurey's eyes so Vechs believed her. Aurey shifted so she was straddling Vechs, hovering over his erection.
"You sure Aurey?" Vechs said, in moment of his usual caring self that he always displayed to Aurey.
Aurey nodded, determined. Vechs put his hands on her hips and thrusted into her. He felt a barrier for half a second before it was broken. At that moment, Aurey hissed in pain and, when Vechs looked to her face, he saw tears sliding down her cheeks.
"I thought you said you had a daughter. Was she adopted?" Vechs demanded, feeling terrible for causing Aurey pain.
"No she wasn't. Remember in the Book how it said that all injuries, scars etcetera were healed and repaired? It must have repaired my hymen to and reversed all the other effects of sex." Aurey said through gritted teeth.
"Oh Aurey," Vechs said softly. "I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault." She replied.
After some time had passed, Aurey relaxed.
"The pain has dulled, you can move now." She whispered.
Vechs thrusted in Aurey again. It still hurt but not as much. Now that he wasn't as worried about Aurey's pain, he started to feel what being inside her was like.
"God Aurey your tight!" He grunted.
"Don't say that, that's gross!" Aurey exclaimed.
"I'll say what I want!" Vechs growled, thrusting harder.
Aurey made cute, kitten-like noises as he thrusted into her harder than before. She felt herself come. She gripped Vechs shoulders tightly, her vision going white. Vechs felt Aurey clench around him. It took all the will power he had not to come just then. When Vechs kept going, Aurey was surprised. Usually, the man couldn't hold it in very long after the lady orgasmed due to the clenching.
When Aurey came the second time, Vechs couldn't hold it in any longer.
"GAH!" He roared, coming into he lover.
He collapsed with Aurey lying on his chest. Then he realized he just came into Aurey.
"Shit!" Vechs muttered.
"What?" Aurey asked sleepily.
"We didn't use protection or-or anything! You could get pregnant!"
"Vetchy, there isn't any protection in MineCraft because it's to forward technology wise. And as for my getting pregnant, I would love to be the mother of your child." She told him, kissing him on the nose.
"You were my first by the way." Vechs said randomly.
"What?" Aurey asked again.
"I've never had sex before you." He clarified.
"And you broke me in." She replied.
"For the second time." Vechs added sourly.
"I don't want to think about the first time." Aurey told him.
"As you wish m'lady." Vechs said with a yawn.
They both fell asleep, utterly exhausted.
Down the hall, Etho had heard the whole thing, having come in to prank Vechs, expecting him to be at Aurey's.

And that's the sex scene. I spent a good three hours on it so I hope ya enjoyed. And I know I was totally off her style, which is good I guess, don't want to adopt it as my own, eh?


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