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"Greetings everyone! I hope you spent your time well yesterday because today might be a bit complicated for some people." Axel spoke loudly so the whole camp could hear him. Chatters began to rise a bit and Axel gently lowering the unnecessary chatter. "Alright! So in a few minutes you will be separated into fairly large groups by your counclers. They will tell you witch color team to go to where the teams color flag will be located. The activity today is a treasure hunt. The winning team will win whatever me and the counclers decide when you all are out. So, are you ready?!" The whole camp let of yelps of 'yea's.

"Well then get goin!" Axel yelled clapping his hands, commanding everyone to get their asses moving. Jessica and Gwen both went to their councler. Luckily they got there before the line was too long. The camp was like a bomb ready to blow up. Teens running around, talking up storms, moping and complaining on the fact that they had to be seperated from their friends or the fact that they hated their team.

Gwen and Jessica hoped they weren't going to be split. In fact they hoped they'd be together along with Daniel and Corbyn. Apparently god was on their side today. Soon the girls got to Mrs. Diana and hoped for the best. "Huh. You too are lucky today. Both of you team black." She smiled. The girls squealed as quiet as they could. Although they somewhat failed as they couldn't contain their excitement.

Both of them ran off looking for the black flag. Running around for a bit they finally found the black flag and headed towards it. Already there was a girl and two guys. Gwen and Jessica looked at each other hoping the two boys would be the two goons they grew a strong bond with.

The girl seemed to point out the two girls walking towards their team. Both boys turned around, and boy oh boy did their facial expressions turn when they found out those two girls where their two new friends. All four friends went up to each other and hugged.

"Im sooo fucking happy we're together! Even if were with other people we barley even know."Gwen laughed out talking amongst the group of friends. "Well maybe not everyone." Corbyn nervously chuckled. Weird looks came from Jessica and Gwen. He sighed and turn towards the lonely girl behind them. "Girls meet my sister Ashley." Ashley's head snapped up at the sound of her name. She smiled a bit looking at her brother but her change of sight of the girls made her crinkle her nose a bit. "Ahh so this is the famous Besson sister." Jessica mocked, calmly walking towards Ashley. Following behind her, the rest of the friends.

"Hi, I'm Jessica and this right here is Gwen. Honestly a pleasure." Jessica's hand held out in front of her for Ashley to shake, but her hand never came. Jessica awkwardly pulled her and back and stood silently, her heels rocking back and forth.

Corbyn gave Ashley the famous "be nice" glare knowing how rude and sassy she can really get. Ashley being annoyed with her older brother scoffed very quietly and let out a sigh. "Nice too meet you too I guess." Ashley spoke with anoyence in her voice. Gwen and Jessica smiled lightly with the effort Ashley gave out. Corbyn had in advance, told them about the way his sister acts so it was a nice heads up.

"YOO!" Everyone's head turned to the loud noise. "Aye!" Both Corbyn and Daniel was meet face to face with their three other best friends. Jessica and Gwen had smirked at each other. All of the boys gave their bro hugs two the brunette and blonde that was standing here before hand.

A smaller brunette peeked around Corbyn's shoulder and opened his mouth. "So are these the cute girls you guys talked about?" All five boys looked to the two best friends behind them. Their cheeks turned a very subtle pink, showing not enough for the rest to see. "Gwen did you hear that very annoying high pitched noise?" Jessica asked making their plan go into action. "Hm. Maybe it was the very annoying little boy named Zachary Dean Herron?" Gwen questioned. Both of the girls put on their clueless faces. Daniel and Corbyn ended up bursting into laughter which resulted into Jessica and Gwen to break their act and join the boys in their laughter.

With very over dramatic sighs and deep breaths, the four friends calmly went back to their "normal" selves. Gwen and Jessica smiled brightly showing their teeth and went up to all five boys. "You guys must be Jonah, Jack and Zach right?" Gwen asked polightly this time.

"I actually don't know any more." Zach jokingly replied. Gwen playfully scoffed and shook hands with all of the boys, Jessica following. A couple minutes passed by and yet not everyone was settled yet so all of them kept talking.

There were three more girls that ended up coming into the group but decided not to make any introductions until EVERYONE was there. More and more minutes passed by. One girl walked happily over and sat down in the circle the group had created. Around four minutes after the other girl had came two more girls came except they were arguing who knows about what because right as they noticed the whole group staring at them they stopped.

There was a very long wait for the next person. So they thought that there wasn't another person coming. Right before the group started their introductions and sad girl walked up but spoke "I'm here. I'm sorry it took so long." She sat herself next to Jonah and another girl.

"Alright, now lets start and hopefully no one else is missing." Jessica spoke out to the group. "Lets go around and say our names; first and last, hometown, age, and how long you've gone here. But lets put a twist on it, you have to go as fast as you can but we have to be able to hear you clearly." Everyone nodded their heads and started.

First it went Jessica, Gwen, Corbyn, then Daniel. (Y'all already know their stuffz)

"Zach Herron, 17, Dallas,Texas , five years."
"Jack Avery, 18, Susquehanna,Pennsylvania , five years."
"Jonah Marais, 19, StillWater,Minnesota , five years."
" Ally Robins, 17, Los Angeles,California , first year."
"Luna Amor, 17, Houston,Texas , three years."
"Ashley Besson, 18, Fairfax,Virginia , two years."
"Cameron Winter, 18, Toronto,Canada , first year."
"Viollet Britten, 16, Bosie,Idaho , first year."
"Andy Johnson, 19, Beacon Falls,Connecticut , two years."
"Lucie Rotel, 19, South Lake Tahoe,California , third year."
"Christy Miller, 15, Lansing,Michigan , two years."

All of them had finished, but all of them just stared at each other. Most of them admiring them and studying them. Others not knowing what to do next. Jessica especially loved every single one already. Their styles and personalities, everything.


"Alright gang. Lets do this!" Jessica told the group. All of them put their hands in the middle and did "1, 2, 3, goooo Black Team!"

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