Scenario Valu

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The GTA/Gang scenario!

The roles of each person are:

Vanoss: Leader and Explosives Specialist

Delirious: Second in command and Melee specialist

Nogla: Sharpshooter/sniper and stealth specialist

Lui: Specialist in combustion and Getaway driver

Terroriser: Tech specialist and Surveillance

Moo: Stealth specialist and Assistant medical specialist

Wildcat: Specialist in hand to hand combat

Mini: Tech specialist and Getaway driver

Basically: Specialist in hand to hand combat and Weaponry specialist

407: Stealth specialist and Sharpshooter/sniper

Cartoonz: Explosives specialist and stealth specialist

Ohm: Stealth specialist and knives specialist

Panda: Negotiations specialist

Smii7y: Chemical specialist

Kryoz: Chemical specialist

Kailie: Medical specialist and negotiations specialist

You: Choose ONE OR TWO things your OC specializes in.

Small background) You're a part of one of the most feared gangs in Los Santos. You and the guys are the ones usually doing the heists and dirty work while Kailie stayed at back at the house. She would prepare everything for when you returned (food, medical supplies, and so on). She would only get involved if it was a major heist, or if there was a major negotiation involving hostages or money and supplies.

Vanoss, Delirious, you as well as some of the other guys were figuring out plans for a VERY big heist, though you were unsure if taking everyone would be a good idea. The heist you were planning was:

1) Taking down a rival gang, the Yellow Scarves.

2) Kidnaping for ransom (or assassinating) an ambassador.

3) Rescuing (a person in the gang of your choice other than you, Vanoss, or Delirious) from being a prisoner of the Nightshades, the number one, and most brutal and gruesome, gang in Los Santos.

4) Robbing the most secure bank in Los Santos.

5) Make up your own!

Will the plan work, or will everyone's lives be WASTED...

Hahaha I made a pun... Anyway, I hope you like this scenario! See you in the next one!

Love ya~

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