Chapter 3 :)

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I woke up in the late afternoon in a nice, soft bed. My eyes fluttered open to see a room of purple walls with posters of bands like Black Veil Brides, Falling In Reverse, Sleeping With Sirens, and Blood On The Dance Floor. I laughed softly when my eyes landed on a Vampires Everywhere poster.

"What's so funny?"

I jumped at the sudden voice and sat up. Krys was leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed and a smile playing on his lips.

"Oh, uh, nothing." He stepped into the room and sat on the edge of my bed.

"So, did you sleep well?"

I smiled. "Yes, thank you. Uhm...could I take a quick shower? I'm still in my clothes from yesterday."

He jumped up. "Oh, right. Yeah. Come on, I'll show you. Then we can go show you around and get your class schedule for tomorrow."

I didn't ask questions. I just followed him to a bathroom, carrying a new outfit and my shower neccessities. He stopped right outside the door. "Oh, and Annah and Hanna want you to be your human self-"

"Wear this!" Hanna suddenly appeared beside us, thrusting a bundle of pink and blue at me and taking my clothes away from me. I quickly retreated into the bathroom.

I stared into the mirror at my silver and red eyes and my black and green hair and my pale white skin. How do I change back? I wondered. As soon as the thought entered my head, it happened. My hair faded to blonde and purple. My skin darkened to tan. My eyes melted into the sea-blue color I was used to. I smiled, revealing perfect white teeth - no fangs. Satisfied, I entered the shower.

Afterwards, I dried my as best as I could, then picked up the stuff Hanna had given me. A frilly pink top with a jean miniskirt, plus a push-up bra. I rolled my eyes and got dressed, actually glad to see that I had stayed fit and not gone back to the stick thin girl I was before.

When I stepped out, everyone was standing there waiting for me.

"Yay, we knew you'd look cute!" Hanna and Annah cheered together, dressed similar to me. They had green eyes and dark brown hair and lightly tanned skin. Hanna's shirt was purple and Annah's was blue.

"Hey Blue Eyes," Bradley greeted, smirking. His shaggy hair was dark brown and his eyes matched those of the girls.

"Here, you should wear purple, to go with your hair," Hanna said, taking off her shirt. She had the same tattoo as Brad and Krys over her heart.

I shrugged and pulled off my shirt as well, trading with Hanna. I glanced down, but I had no tattoo. Darn, I thought it came with being a vampire. Guess not.

Once I had the new shirt on, Annah offered to fix my hair. I agreed and while she messed with it, I glanced around for Krys. That must be him, I decided, seeing the boy sitting over on the steps. He had long, light brown hair that reminded me on Jordan Witzi-whatever from that band, except Krys's was stylishly messed up. The boy was slightly tanned as well.

As if he noticed me staring, he amazing blue eyes met mine and he smiled slightly. Instead of my sea-blue, his were like perfect sapphires, shimmering with an inner glow.

Someone coughed and I reluctantly looked away from him. Hanna was holding a pair of black Toms for me to put on. I shook my head before grabbing my Converse with rainbow hearts from my room. She agreed, then put the Toms on her own feet. Annah pulled on gray ones.

Krys stood and I noticed he was wearing loose skinny jeans and a white v-neck shirt. Brad wore regular jeans and a blue plaid button-down shirt with short sleeves. They looked pretty good. We all did.

"Let's get to school now, huh?" Brad led the way out the door.

"Aren't we late?" I asked, following the group. "Wait, isn't it summer?"

Krys turned and grimaced at me. "We go to a year-round school. But don't worry, we get two weeks off after each term. Oh, and today was an excused absence. We told them we were waiting for you to get here and get settled in."

"Ah." I followed them to the car, which was a cherry red mustang convertible. The twins sat in the front and I sat in the back between Bradley and Krystofer. "So, are you all related?" I questioned over the roaring of the winds.

"Hanna and Annah are my little sisters," Brad answered. "And we say that Krys is our cousin, though he's actually not. Our fathers are all friends and we stay together so we have other vampires to hang out with." He grinned.

All too soon, we pulled up to a building labeled 'South Hollywood High School' surrounded by smalled buildings.

"Come on," Annah urged, stepping out of the vehicle. "Let's go get your class schedule from the office before everyone else gets out of class." I followed her into the main building.

There, behind a desk, sat an elderly woman. She smiled fakely up at us. "How can I help you dears?"

"We need the class schedule for Vyolet Payne. She's new here." Annah nudged me and I stepped forward.

The woman searched through the papers piled on her desk before pulling out a peach-colored sheet of paper. "Ah, yes. Vyolet Lyrik Payne. Family friend, yes?" She looked to us for confirmation. We nodded and she handed me the paper, then shooed us away.

Outside again, the five of us looked over the paper.

"Alright, so Calculus first period," Brad said. "I have that."

"She has theater arts with me second," Hanna added.

"For third, she's in my English class," Annah pointed out.

"Lunch, US History, and music are all with me," Krys finished, smiling at me.

"Okay, then let's just show her the classes tomorrow, since she's with us the whole day," Annah suggested, beginning to walk away. We shrugged and followed her back to the mustang.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2012 ⏰

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