Chapter 1:Best friends??

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Am in the story! Yay! By the way my name in this is gonna be Cherry)

Y/n-Your name

L/n-Last name

F/c-Fav color

Y/n pov:
Hi am Y/n l/n am a abused child that is abused by my father and bullied at school.
I have no friends in school except my friend Cherry.
She really nice but she's really shy.
But I don't mind, I mostly have her back when she's bullied.
But when am bullied she tries, but gets hurt doing it.
Right now am going to Math which is my favorite/not my favorite.
When I was walking down the hall I noticed the most popular and mean girls in the school.
One was named Jessie with blonde hair and green eyes.
Another was named Lulu with brown hair and blue eyes.
And the last one was Kayla with black hair and purple eyes.
Then Jessie said,"What are you doing here you little brat! "
Then I said, "Am just going to class" Shaking in fear.
Lulu looked at me with.....Guilty eyes!?
Then Kayla said, "What do you wanna do with her jessie?" She said looking at me like I was
A rotten sock a dog popped on. (Lol! Am sorry)
"Just let the rat be will beat her up later" Jessie said looking at me.
I smiled a bit, Glad that they didn't be me up now.

Then they both left letting me go to class but they were write they said they were gonna
Beat me up later.

3rd person:
Y/n had to go to the bathroom so she went in their,
But at the wrong time.
The three girls looked at her mad.
Y/n tried to go to the bathroom but was grabbed by somebody's hand.
"Your not going anywhere" Jessie said still holding her hand. (Anbody know that reference? It's from mlp)
Jessie was the first person to punch Y/n In the face.
Then Kayla hit y/n in the leg.
Lulu just stood there watching with that said impression on her face.
Jessie and lulu just kept hitting into y/n was covered in blood and bruises Then the two girls left.
Lulu looked at y/n and came to her, "You okay?" She asked y/n. The bruised girl nodded.
But lulu got a aid kit and fixed her up.
Y/n thanked lulu, "No problem am just doing stuff for my new friend" Lulu said smiling then left.
Y/n got up and went to the bathroom door and opened it and used the bathroom after that.
She went to her classes and then to lunch and then went home after two more classes,Science and Specials.
But when she got home she was slapped in the face by her dad.

Hope you guys like this and now my hands are really tired😐 but I hoped you still enjoyed it
See ya!!💝🎶
Love chu guys💝
Follow my smile account:_PastelKitty

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