The First Night: Meeting

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The heat was unbearable even for this time of the year. Living in the great land of Egypt most would be used to it, but this heat tested the people's limits. By a reliable source the heat was said to last for three days. An order by the king commanded all manual labor to halt till the danger of the heat pass so not to lose many lives. The market was to be open only from dust till the later hours of the night. So, not to lose customers the merchants of the market decided to make it a festive affair with the approval of the palace. The palace was also busy preparing for another festive occasion. The birthday of the young prince.

Even though the king was not feeling well he wanted to make this celebration a special one. Something told him that this would be the last year he would spend with his only child. He had been raising his son to take his place from the moment the boy took his first step. The boy was his pride and his joy. The king felt confident that he was ready, so after the prince's birthday he would start the transfer of power.

As the king looked out at his vast kingdom he thanked the gods that he was able to live so long. He would have wanted to see more of his son's growth, but not even the power of the seven dark objects he had brought into this world would keep him from moving on to the next life. Just as his mind wondered to the items a woman walked onto the balcony and bow to her king.

"You called for me, my King?"

"Yes." He said not looking at the young priestess. "I want to know about my son's future. You and I both know that this will be my last year as Pharaoh. I know that I should not ask for information on this subject, but there is one thing I want to know."

"And what is that, my King?"

The man sighed and turned to the woman and asked not as a king but as a devoted father, "Will my son know love?"

The woman's eyes widen but kept her head bowed. A smile threated to show on her lips as she replied to the kind king, "I will use my necklace and see if I can answer." Putting her hands to her millennium item she called on its power. She searched and searched till at last she stopped.

"I'm sorry my Pharaoh, but I do not see anything in the young Prince's future. Its all clouded in mystery."

"I see. Thank You Isis. That will be all." The king then turned away as the priestess bow and left.

While the woman walked she thought over the little bit her necklace did show her. Dark times would fall the moment the prince was crown and there would be no time for such a luxury. No one else knew that the good king's time was soon coming to an end. The news came to her in a dream one night and the next day she informed his majesty that he would soon receive information that would send him into an illness then killing him. The Pharaoh ordered her to stay silent and to tell no one fearing that interfering with the event would bring disaster not only to his people but to his beloved son.

As Isis walked to her chambers she thought about the king and his late wife. She had died when the Prince was just a small boy, but Isis had heard many stories of how the King had loved her. Many agreed that he was lucky to have found one woman that he showered unconditionally with his love. In a royal marriage there was no need for something as frivolous as love. But the king had that and now wished it for his son. Isis walked passed her private room and continued to her sanctuary. She nodded to a few guards and was pleased to find that the room with her fire pit was empty. Hastily she closed the door and then called on the one being that could help with her predicament. Before the fire her eyes closed as her head bowed and prayed.

The fire continued its normal dance as the woman prayed with all her heart for the wish her king had for his son. The red-orange flames lowered then beamed a white light that flickered as a majestic voice was heard, "I hear you my child. You wish to know if the future Pharaoh will know love."

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