the mission

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Allen POV:

This is so annoying... I thought to myself as I tuned Kamui back in.

"There's been a serious increase in akuma in this area so you will be staying at a hotel there for a few weeks until the akuma die down."
Komui is currently informing me and Kanda on our new mission.

I look over and Kanda looks like he's about to murder everyone in this room.


"You don't have a choice Kanda, the train leaves in the morning at around 10 so meet at the train station at around 9:30. Go get ready, and Allen a word."

After Kanda left the room komui asked me, "so Allen how are the pills working?"

"Good, they give me weird dreams but other than that they are working."
I told him as he tossed me a bottle.

"Those are for the dreams, you don't have to take them but that's all I can do." He told me and shooed me off.

I left the office and went back to my room to pack for the trip.

I packed my usual things like clothes, toiletries, and of course my pills.

8:30 the next morning

Kanda POV:

I wake up and start my morning meditation. I'm a little upset that it's cut short because of that stupid sprout.

But like komui said I don't have much of a choice. Plus ever since I stabbed him and released the 14th I've felt really bad......and I never feel bad.

After about 20 mins of meditation I realize I need to start heading down to meet the moyashi for are mission.

I grab my things and head out the door mugen by my side and my hair in its usual ponytail.

I get to the meeting spot at the front gates where the moyashi is waiting for me.

We head out and get on the train. The moyashi is sitting in the seat in front of me It's gonna take about 3 hours to get to the hotel so I decide to catch up on my missed meditation.when I finish meditating I realize it's almost lunch time.

I look over at the moyashi and of course........he's asleep.

But his face looks like he's confused, Like he doesn't know what's going on in his dream I guess anyway. I mean what other reason would the universe have to make such a beautiful Angel look in pain like tha- WAIT WTF AM I THINKING!!!!!!DID I JUST CALL THE MOYASHI A BEAUTIFUL ANGEL!?!?!?!?!

As I'm mentally scolding my self the moyashi twitched in his sleep. I lightly move his shoulder to wake him up and when he opens his eyes he looks like he has no idea where he is.

"Kanda?" He asks in a sleepy tone followed by a yawn.

"Hey sprout get up it's almost lunch time and I know you wont get any work done if you don't fuel up." I say in my usual grouchy way.

We head to the dining cart and there are a lot of people in there so we decide since were almost at our stop well have a quick lunch and a big dinner.

Of course when I say quick lunch that doesnt apply to the moyashi as he fills his many, many, many, plates with as much food as possible and we bring it back to our seats.

We sit down and begin eating and by the time I finished my one plate he's finished twelve. "How the hell do you eat so much in such a small amount of time?" I ask him he just looks at me and says, "I think it's my innocence, it just let's me eat a lot at a time."

"Che, whatever moyashi." I say as he stands up and yells, "IT'S ALLEN, A-L-L-E-N ALLEN!!"

"Che, pipe down moyashi your drawing attention to yourself." I say watching his face turn red in embarrassment as he sits back down.

When everyone goes back to there own things and what not the moyashi's face finally returning to its normal pale. His red scar over his left eye finally visible again.

We arrive at our stop and head to the hotel to put our things away before going to slay akuma. We had one room no matter how much I protested the order had only paid for one room with two beds, a bathroom, and a tv .

I set my things neatly on the bed and began putting them in there correct places with the toiletries in the bathroom, my clothes in the little closet, ect.

The moyashi on the other hand just threw his bag on his bed and layed down for a few mins before actually getting up and putting away his things. When we finished unpacking the moyashi and I headed out to go slay akuma.

Allen POV:

We were heading back to the hotel after our first day of slaying akuma. We got back to our hotel room and Kanda said he was taking the first shower.

I didn't argue seeing as how I got first dibs on the tv. Kanda cane out after about 15 mins dressed in a dark blue sleeveless shirt and gym shorts.

I went to take my shower, when I got out I opened the medicine cabinet above the sink and grabbed my pills. After I took one of each I put them beside the first aid kit and went to bed.


Hello! This is my first chapter of The Noah Within I hope you enjoyed!!! -VannaBrooke

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