Chap 2.

176 8 2

Kanda POV:

We had been battling the akuma for a week and have been pretty good at not killing the moyashi.... yet.

I've been keeping my thoughts in check for the most part, I don't want another rerun of my thoughts on the train.

It was my turn for a shower right before bed and after I finished I had to clean some small cuts on me from a few akuma who got to close for comfort.

I picked up the first aid kit and started to clean my wounds...(unknown to Kanda, Allen's pills rolled out of the cabinet and into the small trash bin by the sink)

Allen's POV

I came to take my shower not long afterKanda came out. I took my shower, brushed my teeth, and changed into some sweatpants.

But when I went looking for my pills I couldn't find them. I searched the whole cabinet at least 3 times. At one point I even took everything out if the cabinet. But still found nothing.

I walked out the bathroom and saw Kanda sleeping already. One night wouldn't hurt....right?

The next morning

Kanda's POV

The Moyashi is acting strange, I just can't put my finger on what's wrong. It

Well currently were in an intense battle with at least 10 akuma each. I finished off the few I had left when I noticed the Moyashi.....

He pain...i think. But it was more than that I'm pretty sure he was....smiling. while he was on the ground with his hands gripping his hair.

Thats when it hit me.....the fourteenth.

He was still on the ground when I finished dealing with my Akuma. I ran over to him to see that the akuma was just sitting there looking at the moyashi. I watched the strange interaction between them until the moyashi passed out. The akuma snapped out of its trance like state and started to attack the sprout.

I made quick work of it and walked over to the moyashi. I kneeled down and shook him.

"Moyashi. Wake up" I looked him over one more time before deciding he wasn't gonna wake up anytime soon.

I put the Moyashi on my back and headed towards the hotel. As we walked through the small town, we gained weird looks. One glare and they were back to their business.

We arrived at the hotel at around nine. The sun had already set by the time we reached out room.

I placed the Moyashi on his bed and went to take a shower. (I know this is a lot of shower taking, but if you work and sweat all day you need to take a shower every day.) I turned on the water and stepped in, the water dripping down my body as I washed the days sweat and dirt away.

I exited the bathroom to see that the moyashi was still out cold on his bed. I took off his jacket and shoes and layer the blanket over his small frame.

As much as I hate admitting it the Moyashi is quite beautiful. His fair skin and angelic white hair are something to admire.

I stop my train of thought before it goes any further and turn in for the night.

~~le time skip~~

Allen POV

I awoke to a strange feeling of being watched. I arose from my bed and looked at my surroundings. I realize that the feeling of being watched was from the 14ths reflection in the mirror.

I get up off my bed to see Kanda meditating on the floor. He opens an eye to look at me as I turn away to close the bathroom door.

As I approach the door, I realize that the 14th is smiling huge. Like a child who won a game.

I reach for the knob and suddenly feel weak, like I can't breath. I fall to the floor, my back against the door frame.

I can feel Kanda next to me, yelling my name...but....Its so far away....

Kanda POV

I wake up as usual and start my morning meditation, I see the moyashi wake up and stand from his bed.

He looks over at me for a moment then heads toward the bathroom. As I'm about to close my eyes I hear a thump and my eyes snap open.

The moyashi is leaning against the door frame of the bathroom and sliding down quickly. I reach him in time to catch him before he hits the floor.

The sprouts skin starts to glow a faint purple as his skin color changes to that of a Noah. (think back to when Allen was locked up and link fought apocrophos, see pic at beginning)

"Walker!" I yell to no avail, as it seems he can hear me. I continue to shake him as he starts to breath in short gasps.

His eyes are gold and he looks almost exactly like a Noah.

Eventually his eyes close and his skin turns back to normal. I pick him up and place him on his bed.

I feel his forehead for a fever and check his eyes to see if there still gold.

Everything seems to be normal as I sit on the edge of his bed, stroking his soft white hair as he sleeps. His chest rising and falling rhythmically.

I wonder what happened just now. Does this happen often? Is this why he passed out on the battlefield?

As these questions fill my head I continue to pet him until sleep encompasses me as well.

~~Time skip~~

Allen POV

I wake up at around 2 in the afternoon, I feel a heat on my right side and look over to see none other than kanda sleeping next to me.

As I move to get up I feel his hand entangled in my messy white hair. I decide its better to wake him up than stare at him and get sliced to pieces when he wakes.

"Kanda. Hey Kanda." I say gently as I shake him. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.

As his eyes seem to focus and he realizes where he is, he quickly jumps up and falls off the bed.

His face is beet red as he sits on the floor, looking at his hand that was in my hair.

He looks back up at me once his face returned to normal. He sat in the chair next to my bed and helped me sit up.

"What happened to you Moyashi?" Kanda asked, concern laced his voice as he looked me in the eyes.

"I-i..." I studder as he continues to look at me expectantly.

"Well it all started with these pills Komui gave me..."

And so the flashback began.

Yea I know its been forever, I'm lazy as crap. I actually haven't thought about this story until my other 2 started to gain so much popularity. Hopefully the same will happen with this one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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