Part 1

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A beautiful night at the beach, with bright stars at the sky. Everything was tranquil with the beautiful sound of the waves, until I hear his steps, and I turn to face him, but suddenly everything gets dark

I suddenly woke up, opening my eyes lazily

Y/N: Another dream at the beach?

I said confused but lazily

This is the third time I dream about a boy at the beach. And basically on this dream he gets closer to me....but then...I wake up.

Y/N: Whatever I have to get dressed right now, if not I will be late to work.

Mom: Breakfast is ready!!

she yelled

Y/N: I am coming mom!

I yelled back

I get dressed quickly but still thinking about my dream. Maybe it means something, who knows

I come down through the stairs, and I go straight to the kitchen.

Y/N: Good morning lovely mother.

I said while smiling brightly at her

she smiled back at me

Mom: Good morning dear.

she said while putting the plates on the table

Y/N: Mom, can I tell you something?

I said while getting shy

Mom: Sure honey

Y/N: I had a dream.and b-basically the d-dream is about-

Mom: You are blushing. is it about a boy?

I suddenly get shy badly

Y/N: Mom!!! stop!!. but yes, you're right. It is just.well, the thing is that this is the third time i dream about it.

I said while bowing my head down

Mom: Well maybe it could mean that you are going to get married?

she said while smirking to me

Y/N: Uhhh, well...whatever.

I said while blushing

Finally I cut off the conversation, but it was really awkward though

So finally, I was done eating breakfast, and I got ready to work. Then, I left the house and went into the car.

I finally arrived to work, and I headed to my office.

Author's note: So basically you work in a magazine company, but you work as a profesional photographer. Now let's get back to the story

I was focusing on my work until I hear a knock

Y/N: Come in please!

It was my boss Sasha...

I suddenly get nervous and started to sweat

Sasha: I need to talk to you!

She looked at me serious

Then, I started to sweat even more, I was really panicking inside at the thinking of what she was going to say

Y/N: Y-Yes?

Sasha: Okay, listen carefully. I need you to go to South Korea to Busan.

I was really shocked

Y/N: R-Really?

Sasha: Yes! And your mission it is to get pictures from there, so we can put it on our magazine. Since you are a great photographer, well that is what I heard, so I don't have any other options except you.

Y/N: Okay ma'am.

I said nervously

Sasha: Oh I almost forgot If those pictures aren't enough for me, then you're fired.

she said while smiling at me...

I got nervous but at the same time mad

Y/N: O-Okay ma'am I-

Sasha: Okay I gotta go, I am wasting my time here. So you will go to South Korea thursday, and you're gonna be there for three weeks.

Then, she left my office...

So the day was ending and I went immediately to my house, so I could start packing my things to go to South Korea. When I arrived home, I went straight to the stairs to go to my room. I took all my things and started packing everything I needed.

Then I hear the door opening it was my mom.

Mom: What are you doing Y/N?

Y/N: I am packing my things, because in two days I am going to South Korea

Mom: Why is that?

Y/N: Because my boss told me to go, because I need to do something important, and my job depends on it.

Mom: Okay then

Then she left the room

Then, it was 7:55 already. I decided to get some rest, so I lied down on the bed. All my things my thoughts were mixed, since I was nervous to lose my job. I mean, I love this job so much. Then, a thought comes to my mind It was the dream I had. I was thinking deeply about it, until I fell asleep.

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