Chapter 2

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"Oh! before I go, I'm gonna get my cute little six monster rodent pets and feed them. Want to see them?" As I walked towards the living room that has couches, coffee table, tv, and six separated cage room for my little cute pets. Gabe the Gerbil, Cassie the Chinchilla, Helen the Hamster, Markiplier Jr. the Mouse, Robert the Rat, and Sugar the sugar glider. I opened the cage and they crawled onto my hand and arm, to meet the Sakamaki, Mukami and Yui Komori.

"The what? rodents? Monsters?!" The triplets and Subaru shouted in terrifying faces, how stupid can they get cause i was just kidding, the six pets rapidly scattered behind my back and shivered.

"Shut up, they're not literally monsters I was just kidding, they're my original cute little rodent pets, and also you're scaring them." I scolded at them as I patted one of my adorable little pets to calm them down.

"Sorry." The triplets and Subaru apologized, as they saw six of my pets, they all ran up to me.

"OMG, they're so cute! I never seen those little animals, what are they?" Yui asked as the Sakamaki and Mukami gathered to see my rodent pets.

"This is Gabe the Gerbil. That one right here is Markiplier Jr. the Mouse, and this one is Helen the Hamster, the one that is on my head is Sugar the Sugarglider. Right here is Cassie the Chinchilla and the last one is Robert the Rat."

"Can I pet them?" Yui asked as she was excited to pet one of them, I told her it's okay to pet them as I hold Sugar that she was make a strange but cute sound.

"It's okay, Sugar, girl. She's nice." I told Sugar that it's fine and she stop making her cry sound.

"Her fur is so soft." She stroked Sugar on the back

"What kind of sound is Sugar make?" Yuma asked as he's flinched out a little bit when Sugar made her cry noises.

"Every sugar gliders make that cry noise when alerted or scared." as Yui use her little fingers to stroke Sugar's head.


I used the small bowls for my rodent pets to put it in the cage to refill, and put them all back into their separated cages except for Sugar cause I had to hold her to feed her some nectar mix and of course I leave her some sweet fruits, mealworms, kiwi, corn and apple bits that are already chopped at her cage. I gave Robert some fresh chopped apples bits, sweet potatoes, corns and some seeds, Gabe's food was oats, wheats, and chopped bananas. I put the tiny bowl of some of the spinach, apple bits, acorns and carrots for Helen, while Cassie gets to eat some of the healthy pellets and some hays for her diet and so does Markiplier Jr. to give him some fruits and seeds. As the five of them went back to their cages, I held Sugar gently and feed her some nectar mix with one teaspoon per day. As I fed Sugar, they all gathered around me, seeing me feeding her with a teaspoon and they all had their face of resisting the cuteness of Sugar. She nibbled the nectar mix. I finished feed her, I put her back to her cage. I had to make a breakfast for them and myself. I cooked some eggs, sausages, bacon, ham, vegetables, rice and make some miso soup, and for me I put mine with red chili peppers.

"Reiji! Ruki! Yui! Can you three help me with the food? Thanks." I called Reiji, Ruki and Yui to help me make breakfast and they nodded as they went to the kitchen to assist me. So Reiji cutting the potatoes into small pieces, Ruki cooked the rice, Yui fried the eggs and bacon, boiling the sausage, while I'm making a miso soup. The others are waiting and they looking at the cage, seeing my rodent pets doing their
"Okay." they all agreed.

"Why?" Laito, Kou and Ayato asked in unison

"Have you all never had a pet before?" I turned my head to them and asked them.

"Well Yuma gave Shu the dog." Reiji started as I turn to him.

"What kind of dog?" I asked

"I guess it's a German Shepard but my mother said took it away and Shu refused. I don't what's gonna happened to that dog, maybe the butler released it or either returning to 'Edgar'."

"Awww, I guess your mom hate dogs." I said

"Well who knows." As he continued cutting the vegetables.

"Anyway, all animals get sick like all of us except vampires... do vampires get sick?" I was off track that I don't know the fact about vampires, is all I know is that they suck blood from someone's neck, hate garlics, and they can fly and have powers. But I don't know if vampires get ill.

"Beats me." Ayato said.


"I'm going to school now, please remember take care of yourself and my pets, if you don't how to handle my cute rodents, search online on my laptop, or look at my pet care info book, whatever ." They all nodded. As I left the house, they looked at each other's contact.

Sakamaki, Mukami and Yui pov
What should we do?

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