Part 8 (i)

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The next day, when all students in their class studying not excepted Areum, someone entered Areum's class.

"Excuse me, sir?" The student said. All eyes were on him.

"Yes. May I help you?" The teacher said.

"Principal want to see Miss Areum." He claimed. Areum was surprised. Jung Kook looked at Areum.

"Did you do something wrong?" He asked.

"No." She replied and went out to follow the student.

Areum sighed and continued to the office, but before she could turn to the corner someone covered her mouth and pulled her to the empty classroom. She was about to attack the person, but as soon she saw the person she sighed relief.

"Hey, it's me." The person said.

"Oppa! You almost give me a heart attack." She hit his arm. The person just smiles at her angry face.
"What are you doing here? A visitor is not allowed here. I have a class. Wait- Did principal call is lie?" She asked. He just grinned.

"Sorry. I've no choice. Since I'm busy 24/7, I am just coming to visit you right now. I just have 20 minutes more, so I should come to see you before I went to the stimulation class. You know, if I was in there, it's really hard to come out again if we do not have an urgent thing." Areum just looks at him without saying anything.

"You know what, oppa? I hope you won't betray my love for you. As I know, the stewardess is more beautiful than me. Slim, nice body and perfect." She said pouting cutely.

"Yeah I know, but no one can defeat my chubby girlfriend." He claimed playfully pinched her nose, then sighed.
"I hope I can go out with you without any covered. When we'll go out for real, baby?" He asked, hugging her waist.

"Soon." That's all she said. Then her boyfriend has to leave for his class because he is not studying at the same school as he is a student in flight school.

"I've to go now. Bye." He gives a peck on her lip and winked at her before he left. Areum sighed and went back to her classroom.

When she entered, the teacher had already left as the class ended.

"So?" Jung Kook asked.

"So, what?" She asked back.

"Why did the principal call you?" He asked again more clearly.

"Oh. She just asking about something. Not that important actually. So, what did I miss?" She asked to avoid more questions from him.

The incident that happens back then was already solved when Jung Kook keeps bugging her with apologising. Areum does not even want to see him but his hard-head is hard to ignore. Until she felt annoying, then she forgave him. They back again as a friend.

"Like usual. Homework. Can I ask you something?" Jung Kook turns his body to face Areum.

"You already ask." Areum smile at his question.

"I'm serious here." He said. Areum looked at him and see he is serious.

"Hmm. What is it?" She asked.

"What with you and Jimin hyung? Are you two something? Also, why Yoongi hyung looks so care to you?" He asked. Areum was silent and keep staring at him then sighed.

"First. We are nothing. Jimin is just like a brother to me. So did, Yoongi oppa. I don't feel the same way as them. Second, I know they have felt to me. And please, don't say anything about that. I won't say anything until they confess. That time I will tell them how my feeling toward them. I promise my decision won't make them hate each other." She said. Jung Kook just looks at her.

Areum not telling anyone about her relationship with her boyfriend. None of them knows she has a boyfriend included Jung Kook, her close friend. Areum did tell her boyfriend about the boys and what happened to her all the times they did not meet each other, but she did not tell him about the bullying issues. She worried he might not focus on his study if he thinks too much about her. Her love story is complicated.

"Areum." Jung Kook slowly reached her hand. Areum gulped as he held her hand.

"J-Jung Kook. What are you doing?"

"Do you like me?" His bluntly question make Areum surprised. But, she does like him as a friend of course.

"W-what? Why did you ask me that? You're weird."

"No. Honest to me, do you like me? If so, please keep it away. I don't feel the same as you. I already have a girl that I want to confess. I don't want your feeling will ruin our friendship." He said. Areum is glad Jung Kook respects their friendship, but she doesn't expect he would think she has a feeling for him.

"What? You're crazy. Of course, I like you... As a friend. And I know your eye is for someone else. What makes you think I have a feeling for you?" She asked.

"I don't know. You act so weirdly when with me. Smiling, giggling, laughing and happier. I had never seen you like that before. That's why I think you might like me." He said to let her hand go. Areum took his hand again and hold or tight.

"Listen here Jeon Jung Kook. I'm happy because you always make me happy. You're a good friend, funny, cute and always cheer me up when I was sad. I appreciate our friendship." She claimed. Jung Kook smiles at her and went hug her, but something caught his eye and let her go.

"This is what you're going to show me?" Someone spoke behind Areum which is Jung Kook face too. Areum turns around and saw her senior was standing at the door.

"Yes. As you can see now, he just likes his other friends. Playboy." Haneul smirked at Areum. Areum saw the senior was sad. She turns to Jung Kook and saw he has the same expression as her.

"Wait! Haneul, what are you doing?" Areum asks.

"Showing her what her crush looks like." She said. Jung Kook looked up to see his crush.

"You're too much Haneul. I can accept if you did not claim me as your twin in school, but this is too much. Jung Kook and me just a friend and nothing more than that. Even she likes him or he likes her it is not your business. What if they like each other? Are you jealous? Why? Because nobody will like and loves you. That's because of yourself. You are selfish. You want all the attention to you." Areum said to let go of all her patience toward her twin. Haneul just glared at her.

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