Part 8 (ii)

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The student was watching the scene from outside. Haneul and Areum were staring at each other. Jung Kook and IU were just silent next to them. The student was murmuring about the news Haneul and Areum are a twin. They didn't know about that until the scene.

"Yes! I am. You got all attention even you're bullied. Papa, mama, Joonie oppa, Jin oppa and all of them gave all attention to you. Then what I am? A stone? I have felt too. Everyone just sees you like I do not exist. I was there when they give you all their love. They didn't even see me. I want a car for the birthday gift, but you did have it. I want a new laptop for my 18 birthday, but they give it to you. All about you. I was nothing for them." She said while looking at the floor.

Areum was taken back with her confession, but she is the one who pushed all the gifts away.

"But, you're the one who pushed all those to me. You said you don't want it all. The car is not for me and I don't even touch it. Papa gave it for your birthday. He asked to give it to you since that time he was going abroad and you were not at home at that time. And the laptop is still in my drawer. I don't need a laptop. I already have mine. Jin oppa gave it for my birthday-"

"Liar! I saw you use it. It was the same as papa gave for you." Haneul shouted. The scene becomes a mess with Haneul suddenly bursting out her anger.

"You misunderstand Haneul. Yes, I use it-"

"See? You admit-"

"Stop interrupted me. I tried to explain here. I admit I use the laptop but that was mine. Papa didn't know he bought the same brand as Jin oppa. They all love you too. Mama was right. You are childish and stupid, but she loves that side of you. You being stupid to make the fast conclusion without asking first."

"I'm not childish and I'm not stupid!" She shouted.

"Okay... You are not. Is that fine with you? What are you going to do now? They hear your confession and you just exposed our relationship." Areum looks at Haneul. Her face was red because embarrassing by what she had done.

"I- I don't know. I should run... I guess." Haneul said while looking away from the other gaze.

"See? You are stupid."

"I am. I'm sorry for what I did to you. I just..."

"Jealous. Yeah, I know. And one more thing, be mature and don't ever busybody in the other business. You just ruin someone heart because of your stupid jealousy. Now, go to your seat." Areum said.

"Can't I have... Twin hug as... Apologised?" Haneul asked while playing with her finger.

"I hate hug-" Haneul runs hugs Areum before she could say no to her.

"Okay... You're not childish." Areum scoffed and hugged back.

"Can I have my 'teddy bear' tonight?"

"This is why I hate you hug me." Areum said, but she smiled again.

"Excuse me. We are still at school." Areum said. Haneul let her go and look away. Clearing her throat, she spoke.

"Ehemm. What are you guys doing here? Get away from my way." Haneul said as she back to herself and walk away.

From outside, Tae Hyung and Jimin just smile looking at the twin.

"I'm not childish." Areum copied Haneul's voice. She turned to see Jung Kook, and he was glaring at her.

"Did you have to say that in front of her?" He said.

"Oh. I'm sorry? Then why are you still here? Go after her and tell her everything." Areum said. Jung Kook then smiles and thanked her. He runs to after her.

"Fighting Bunny!" She shouted for him. Then she realised that their teacher is not coming yet.

"If you ask for the teacher, they have a meeting." Her class president said.

"Oh. I see."

"So, you and Haneul... Twin?"


"Glad to hear that." He said.

"Yeah. I know exactly what you try to say." She looked at him. He just smiles at her.

"How great I am having a future sister-in-law like you. So understanding. For the reward, I'll find you a boyfriend. How about Jimin? He is handsome and you both look cute together. Perfect. Beauty and the Beast." He said and earn a hit on his head from Haneul.

"Yah! Say it again, I will never let you enter my family." Areum said.

The school ended as usual, but Areum was with Haneul. She insists on coming home with Areum. She even waits for her at her locker.

"Jung Kook. I'm sorry for what I did a while ago." Haneul said while walking next to Areum.

"It's fine. We already settled it. And guess what? We are official... Couple." Jung Kook said. He thanked Haneul. If not for her, he never knew IU have the same feeling toward him.

Since the incident, Haneul becomes closed with Areum. She even regretted behaving childishly toward her. Angry without knowing the truth.

"You know what? I got to know that Yoongi oppa wants to confess his feeling to his girl tonight." Haneul suddenly said. Jimin was shocked after hearing the news.

"Oh." That's all Areum could say.

"Are not you curious to know who is she?" Haneul asked Areum.

"No. I don't want to know. You shouldn't know. I just hope he will be fine." Areum said and just ignored it.

"I- I need to go now. Bye." Jimin hurries to his car and gets in. When he was inside, he texted Areum to meet up at the park nearest her house's area.

"Hey guys, I need to go somewhere. Haneul you can go home with Tae oppa, okay?" Areum said.

"Where are you going? Can I go with you?"

"It's okay Haneul. It's doesn't take long times. Don't worry about me." Areum said and walk away. They just looked at her figure that slowly disappears from their sight.

"What's up with her lately?" Haneul suddenly asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Jung Kook asked.

"At home, she always smiles alone while texting someone and now she seems bothered with something or... Should I say it... Someone?" She asked making Jung Kook look at her.

"She in love, you mean?" He asked. Tae Hyung is just silent knowing that Jimin also likes Areum.

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