Wing Ridden Angel (xxxtentacion imagine)

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Tell me how yall like it

I rushed up the stairs to the room with my face in a permanent frown. I could hear her small feet racing up the stairs to keep with my pace still confused . It had been that way since I made my decision .

My decision to be alone was hard to make but it was right. I can't keep breaking the only person holding me up.
I can't keep pretending I'm deserving of the love.
I can't keep feeling and it's something I knew would be hard to explain .
We were toxic and toxic things never end in paradise. I was pulled out of my thoughts and packing by a pull on my sweater .

" What the fuck are you doing Jah ? hello" she asked confusion riddling her voice , the anger she held prior seems to have disappeared when she realized I was serious.

" I'm leaving , this isn't okay anymore." I replied calmly continuing my packing .
She chuckled as if what I said was amusing .
She would figure out how serious I was soon. I knew she wouldnt let me leave without issue so I had already contacted ski and the guys to come help .

I had been with her for 4 years and known her longer. I knew exactly what would happen.

I heard the door open and made my way to the steps not prepared to see her running to me .

" What's wrong with you it was one argument and you're gonna leave ?" She questioned running past me into the closet attempting to remove my clothes from the bags I had packed.

I sat quietly watching hoping she would tire herself out. she was strong now but knowing her that would switch soon.

I took out my phone making myself busy before it was snatched from my hand.

" What bitch are you texting now Jah, what bitch you fucking done got your head so FUCKED up !" She yelled throwing my phone at the wall.

I finally spoke raising my voice slightly , I didn't want to scream because knowing her she would cry.

" I don't have to have a reason bruh we been together 4 years and im tired " I told her walking past attempting to grab my phone.
She yanked me back by my hood before I could reach it

" If it's not a bitch what's wrong huh? I didn't do anything wrong ! What did I do !" She screamed finally breaking down sliding down the wall in front of me.
I told my self I prepared for everything. I didn't prepare to see her cry .

" It's not you " I repeated looking her in the eyes hoping she would see the truth in them .
She continued sobbing ignoring my statement completely.
I decided to tell the truth and I knew that would hurt her more than another bitch would.

" I fucked up , I fucked her and I lied and I can't keep lying to you " I spoke looking down .
It's like the whole world stopped and all I heard was a sharp intake of breath.

" No you didn't, y-you promised you wouldnt do that anymore " she spoke wiping her face and trying to smile I looked into her eyes hoping she would see the truth.

" You joking right Jah, it's not funny" she spoke looking to the hallway at ski hoping for some assurance.
" I did , and I'm sorry baby . I know I fucked up and I gotta let you go I'm fucked up and I don't know what's wrong with me " I told her trying to comfort her as much as I could .

" You love her , you gonna go be with her jahseh ?" Her screams shocked me , my heart continued to shatter at the sound of her voice cracking. I had done it I hurt her.

" NO I DONT LOVE THAT BITCH, I DONT KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH ME , I LOVE YOU I PROMISE -" I shouted across the room growing frustrated that she would question my love for her .
I was interrupted by her rushing to me slapping my face .

" Youre a liar Jah , you lied to me . I never hurt you but you keep fucking me over why" she continually punched me anywhere her small hands would reach and I took it not flinching once .
"Youre so selfish jahseh " she cried out finally breaking down .

She still kept swinging on me her hits getting softer and softer as her body slumped to the floor .

" I'm not selfish baby I promise you , I'm broken and I don't know what's wrong with me . I have to let you go . I can't keep ripping you apart and I don't know how to stop don't you get it " I slightly raised my voice growing frustrated at her lack of understanding.

She stared into my eyes years flowing freely as I tried to get her to understand.

" I love you but I have to let you go , I have to be alone so I can't hurt you " I told her rubbing her head as she had done me so many nights that I woke up from bad dreams.
This wasnt a dream though . This is a heart and I can't keep breaking it.
I exhaled deeply missing her forehead and standing up. I picked up my bag from the bed and replaced it with her.
I watched her closely as I walked across the room the the hall.

She followed me still questioning .
"But wait you can't leave me , I can forgive you I promise ." She spoke barely above a whisper.

Looking back I noticed she hadn't left the middle of the room .

" I know you would , you would forgive me for things I could never forgive my self for, and that's why I have to go. "
I closed the door letting the guys know to stay with her and hopped in my car.
I don't know where im going but I need to let her go.
As I drove the words I wrote earlier floated through my mind .

"You're good today
you're gone tomorrow
I carry my heart on my face

I'm so depressed
What good is sex?

I pray that you would love me less..."

Part 2? Or nah ? Let me know !

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Part 2? Or nah ? Let me know !

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