Hickie Prank (request )

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Hope you like it Fran❤️

Before we start can yall just look at dis face? Like whet? How.

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"What is up YouTube fam it's ya girl Celi and today might be my last video so yall better GIVE ME MY FUCKIN CLOUT!"
I shouted excited into the camera.

" Today ima be pranking Jah, now yall know he don't really fuck with YouTube sooooooo this is gonna be very interesting. "

"He is at the studio or on the way home so what I'm gonna do today is a good old hickie prank. "

I set the camera up in the bathroom so I could film myself making the hickie and lawd this shit aint easy.

"Now I chose this prank because, Jah not only notices everything but he ALWAYS is touching my cheeks. He squeezes them pinches them you name it . So when he comes home and grabs my face I'm sure he's gonna be upset !"

I continued mixing the reds and purples until I got the color I was looking for on my hand. 

" So I'm using this wack ass Kylie Cosmetics eyeshadow pallet that cost to much money cux I'm for sure not using fenty. All I gotta do is make it look real, I'll be right back when im done yall"

I quickly finished and set up the camera sitting in the living room. 

" He told me he is five minutes away and so I wanna record my final message to yall, to all my YouTube fam yall lit as fuck, to my momma please don't read my text messages if i die, As far as you know I'm a virgin ! To my bestie , I hope you twerk your heart out at my funeral sus ! Fuck it up! I think I hear his car so RIP TO ME !"

I quickly took a seat on the all black couch trying to steady my face .

Looking at the camera I smirked ,"Alexa, play Up like an Insomniac. "

Right on cue the door opened.
x screamed into the house right after he opened the door.

" I'm in the living room Jah"
I stated focusing on my phone still sitting on the couch .

I had purposely lifted my shirt to my chin so I could look even more shady .

" You mad at me why you wasnt at the door kid"
he asked pulling me up from the couch.

I walked past him going to the bathroom since I had set up another camera there and in our room .

" I'm good Jah" I replied calmly still going to the hall bathroom. 
I bent down to the sink brushing my teeth before I heard his foot steps behind me I looked up into the mirror before I could bend down to rinse my mouth my head was yanked up by my hair away from the sink.

He held me by the back of my neck staring between the mark on my neck and my face.

" Fuck is this bruh" he asked and i ckuld hear his temper rising every word he spoke.

" I don't know it must be a rash babe, or a burn or something ". I told him moving my neck out od his right grasp.

" You know I'll kill us both right " he asked me in an even calmer voice as i tried leaving the bathroom .

"Whatever babe its a rash" I said still trying get around .

He pushed me into the wall holding my neck again looking into my eyes .

I don't know if I wanna cry or cum but God is good and this is a great way to go! I thought to myself tryna keep myself from smiling .

" Where your phone at dude stop playing with me "  he asked listening his grip.
Before I could reply he was out of the bathroom trying to get my phone.
I followed him out tryna push him to get mad because fuck it!

I finally reached the living room grabbing his arm trying to reach for my phone .

After wrestling with him for a while he finally snapped. 

" You want this  fucking phone here " he yelled throwing it at the marble staircase.  

"fine " I yelled standing up.

as soon as I said it i heard the air stop. I knew I had finally hit a cord. 
Before I could get around the couch he had yoked me up by my neck slamming me into our wall.

" Where the nigga I'm not fucking playing I'll kill  you and him"

I couldn't hold my laughs in anymore as i busted out laughing spit flew from my mouth and he let me slide down the wall.

" See you think shit funny " he started walking up the stairs and for the sake of our relationship I decided to end the prank.

" Baby I'm sorry it's a prank"

I told him wrapping my arms around his waist holding him back from continuing up the stairs .
he turned around to face me looking down into my eyes to make sure I wasn't playing he finally grabbed my cheeks pulling my neck up to look at the hickey.

" Go take this shit off if issa joke bruh" he told me still studying my neck.

  I pulled him to the bathroom with me picking up the camera so he could see it .

" See baby it's just make up I wouldn't cheat on you promise".

He grabbed the makeup wipes from me roughly wiping off the fake hickeys.

" I gotchu huh baby " I laughed putting the camera in his face.

" You ain't get nobody , besides dont no one wanna fuck wit yo annoying ass bruh"
he said angry mug still on his face.

  " If a nigga do fuck with you he gone be tired"

" Because I'm annoying ?" I asked teasing him .

" Nah he gone be tired of running from my blade now take that shit off " he replied walking out of the bathroom.

" Well YouTube , no funeral yet. We got his ass! Make sure yall like comment and subscribe to see how I try to get myself killed next! See y'all laterrr"  I yelled cutting off the camera.

I looked into the mirror as Jah walked back to the bathroom .
"You done now?" He asked as I nodded at him smiling.

" Good" he said making the same straight face.

" Now take yo ass upstairs and take them clothes off since you think shit funny" he told me stepping aside so I could walk.

This time I listened .


Hope you liked it , I'm sorry it took so long our air conditioner went out so it's hot ass hell yall haha.

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