what are we? ( chapter 3 )

119 8 3

tyuzu pov

i can't y/n know this. i should probably talk with wendy about this . maybe tomorrow.

*next morning *


y/n: *yawning* maybe i need to fresh myself.

while you take a shower you heard a ring bells.

*ding dong*

y/n :coming !!

you clean up yourself. then you open the door

*open the door*

y/n: yes?

jimin: y/——

you slam the door at him

tyuzu: is that jimin?

y/n: jimin? pfft nobody

jimin : heyy let me in

y/n: tyuzu you do—

she already open the door

tyuzu: come in jimin

jimin: thanks

tyuzu: y/n can we talk . together?

y/n: yes?

you three sit a couch and start talking

jimin: y/n please dont be mad

y/n: what is it?

tyuzu: actually luhan told us that he want to breakup with you.

y/n: you lying !!

jimin: fine you want the truth?

y/n: yess!!!

i see tyuzu start to calling someone.

*on the phone*

luhan: what you want again?!!!

tyuzu: say at her

y/n: is it  truth?

luhan: im sorry y/n . yes it truth what tyuzu say


how could he!!!!

jimin: are you okay?

y/n: no!!!!

jimin start to pat your hair

jimin: is gonna be fine , trust us

tyuzu: yea y/n

after that you run into your room

*throwback* yesterday

tyuzu pov

i was calling luhan. thank god he pick up

*on the phone*

luhan: yesss?

tyuzu: luhan i need you to know this
y/n hate you okay

luhan: no she not!!!

tyuzu: yes it is . she tell me that she love someone else

luhan: who ?!!

tyuzu: jimin. jimin luhan!!
luhan:*crying* fine!! . i will make she suffer . i will promise that

*ended *

"i can't believe he believe it. such a dumb kid. now i get what i want and what jimin want. im sorry y/n.

omg!!!!!  i will make the new  chapter soon!!

are we couple?💕 luhan ffWhere stories live. Discover now