Serious Changes

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You know the phrase ‘house guests from hell’ well; I’ve got the neighbours from hell. Actually that isn’t quite true, the man and the woman who live next door are actually quite nice-I have nothing at all against them, it’s the fact that they are so nice that confuses me. How did two nice humans manage to raise such an evil…demon?

Well, when I say demon I mean teenage guy, and when I say teenage guy I mean guy who is my age, goes to my school and (from my point of view) lives to torment me.

His name is Rick (real name; Richard, I have endless enjoyment from that fact), he’s around six foot, tanned with hazel green eyes and floppy brown hair that always seems to be in his eyes, and he is-according to practically every girl in my school-the hottest thing they’ve ever seen! (Insert girlish giggle)

I mean every clique likes him, the emo girls love him because of his hair, the preps love him because of his muscles and-obviously-the fact that he is the sports star of this school, the geeks love him because he’s the smartest guy in school and the normal girls love him because everyone else does, apart form me. Even the guys seem to love him (not like that, unless you’re a gay guy!) because he can ‘score’ with any girl-apart from me-that he likes, which annoys the crap out of me.

And do you want to know in what way he is tormenting me right now? (Yes irritating me is twenty-four seven job for him, as in I don’t get any peace at all, night or day) he is playing incessantly loud really bad music…at twelve o’clock at night! I’m just lying on my bed in my red pyjama bottoms with little black hearts on them and a black cami top with my pillow covering my head, but the incessant noise of heavy bass is beating through my walls, right through them.

I’ve been in this position for almost an hour and I have taken all that it is possible for a normal girl to take, and unless I morph into super girl within the next few seconds I’m going to kill him, actually kill him.

I let out a low growl (yes, you heard me; a growl) and pulled the pillow off my head. Standing up I stormed over to my window and yanked it open.

“Will you just be quiet!” I yelled at him-or basically his house (by the way I do know that I sound like a grumpy middle aged man or woman, but for goodness sake, I want to go to sleep!).

I could see into his room as he had no curtains, he was doing press ups on his floor in time to the beat of his music (if you can really call it music), oh yeah, and not wearing a shirt, that sight would have made most of the female (and a few of the guys) to pass out with joy, but for some reason just made me feel even more pissed off.

“Rick! Oi Rick!” I screamed again, finally he looked up and saw me leaning out of the window with a downright ferocious expression on my face. Then he smirked, that irritating smirk that makes me want to be violently sick, preferably on him.

He stood up and swaggered (that’s right, swaggered) over to the window, opening it he leaned out, the muscles of his chest bulging as he pulled open his window, and his hair flopping into his eyes (as per usual).

“What do you want now, Hart?” he said, his voice husky with an edge of amusement “I told you, I don’t really feel like a midnight shag, but for you I might make an exception…” I rolled my eyes and said

“You know some people actually enjoy sleeping at twelve o’clock at night, when they have to wake up again at six in the morning, I know you won’t be one of them but would you mind turning that trash you call music down so I can get some sleep!” he grinned and leant against his window frame, saying as he did so

“Sure, anything for you Hart” I felt a surge of confusion, wait; he’s being almost nice, what the hell is up with that? Then he added “if you flash me”

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