Chapter 39

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Sam's P.O.V.

It has been three weeks since the incident in the restroom. Everything is fine right now, Tom hasn't talked to us since then, maybe he didn't even remember what happened but who cares, right?

It was begging of November and weather was better than ever, it wasn't really cold nor hot, just perfect. Me and my baby are still together, don't worry, no fighting, just kissing and loving. No one in school knew about us but everyone did know about Mia and Elena. People seems to really ship them, that's crazyy!

Something is weird tho, Dušica has been acting really strangely this weekend but I didn't really want to push her you know, I know she will open up to me when she is ready but I'm actually worried. Wait a second... What if she doesn't love me anymore? That could be possible right? Of course it could! What if she doesn't feel like before? What if - Oh god, I don't really know what to do. Should I confront her or maybe not?

I'm sitting on my bad, playing with my phone, literally not doing anything but throwing it from hand to hand, dressed up for school ready to go but I just can't move my feet. I looked at corner of my room where that big teddy bear was sitting with Mickey in his lap, I immediately smiled remembering our time in France and that double date. Suddenly, phone vibrated in my hands. Message from Dušica. I immediately opened it and smiled.

~ Good morning, sunshine. Would you be kind enough to get your beautiful ass down, I'm waiting for you  ~

I was planning to go alone, but she always have better planes than me. I could literally see her smirking while writing this. God, I love her, I think couldn't deal with life without her. She is just so pure, she bright whole room just with one simple smile. She is everyone someone could ask for.

I put leather jacket on and walked out. Once, in front of the building I saw my girl waiting for me on her motorcycle. Her helmet was in her hands, wind blowing her hair. She was so gorgeous! Of course, she wore black ripped jeans, black leather jacket and combat boots. She looked up and smiled when she saw me.

"Hey baby" she greeted and I peck her lips quickly. Her smile grew wider and she handed me my helmet.

I sat down behind her and put it on, she put hers on as well and I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist when she started the engine. I heard her chuckle trough little speakers inside the helmet.

"You are still not used to this are you?" she asked while riding.

"Nope" I said honestly, although she drives really carefully and she doesn't drive fast, at least when I'm with her, but I know she loves fast ride, I'm not a fan of motorcycle so what can I say.

The thing I realized is that she never, and I mean never, drive fast on the busy roads, she is kinda scared after what happened to Alexandra that she might hurt other, she doesn't care if she'd hurt herself but others comes first, and honestly sometimes I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing about her. She is just too good you know, trying to make everyone happy in some way. 

Before I even knew it, we were parked in front of school. She took off her helmet and I did the same, she looked at me and smiled weakly. I jumped down and looked at her with raised eyebrow.

"What?" she asked genuinely confused, standing next to me.

"We really have to talk" I mumbled, scared of consequences that might happen.

She sighed and nodded "I know, I have to tell you something as well" she said and my heart stopped beating.

What is going on? Is she - is she going to break up with me? Oh my god, I should've just shut the fuck up.

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