[ three ]

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"Why do you keep doing that?" she asked him in a low voice.

"Doing what?"

"Adding an extra flower to my bunch every time I visit?"

His face turned red from embarrassment. He looked down at the flowers and fidgeted, pretending to be busy arranging them. He didn't know how to answer her.

"I... I don't know wha-"

"Stop denying it, I've noticed you do it every time. Why?"

"Um... because you... You're special." He answered, carefully, choosing the right word.

"Really?" she chuckled.

"Yeah. And these flowers, I'm sure they're for someone as special as you."

"Yes, they are. Here you go." She said and handed him the money.

"You can call me Jin, by the way." He handed her the flowers.

"Oh, thanks Jin."

"And you're welcome..."

"Hana." She completed for him.

"Bye, Hana." He waved as she clicked open the door to leave.

"Bye, Jin." She smiled- a genuine one this time- and walked out of the shop and he watched her as she did.

He couldn't stop smiling. He'd planned to tell her so many things, but every time she stood in front of him, he lost words. He'd be captivated by her smile and her playful eyes. He'd lose all ideas of starting a conversation. But today, she did it for him. This is the longest we've ever talked, he thought.

She'd left the shop, but her words still stayed with him. Her words were no less than poetry and her voice was no less than a melody to his ears, he could listen to her all day. Her voice held an unusual comfort. It was soft, so soft that it could heal anything and anyone.

He wished she bought those flowers for him, every week. He chuckled at the thought. I ain't so special. He sighed and glanced down at his hand once she was out of sight. He had to double take at the money in his hand.

"Hey, wait! You forgot the change, hey!"



OK, idk if i'm doing justice to Jin's character here but anyways, it's my first time writing a story and i don't want to think too much. i really enjoy writing this, and i hope you enjoy reading it.

Thanks for reading.

- highjinic

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