Chapter One (Not to be continued)

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     Talon's blue eyed gaze shifts as she looks over the options of enemies. She licks her jaws, craving the metallic taste of blood, and the sound of ripping flesh from her long claws. The one with brown spots who she thought was Anthill, she wanted first, but she didn't care. She needed blood, needing to quench the BloodThirst. How would she fix this urge? Should she even? Yes! She thought desperately. Her black coat became a blur as she whipped from cat to cat, her eyes widened with little sanity.

     Her teeth sunk into a bloody shoulder and she almost couldn't control the urge to pull back and have a meal. She was a leader, no one could know she needed the taste of blood. She had to be like her Clan, no different or else they wouldn't accept her. She had to kill the rest of the enemies and finish them off. She whipped up her paw that had the claws of her dead enemies, tearing across the brown spotted cats' side, and watching as they fall onto the soil, bleeding out with the same manic look she had on.

     She whips to the other cats, grinning with bloody teeth. She lunges at one, ripping any flesh from their body that she caught in her teeth. She then snarls at the other cat that bothered her. Her claws dig into the soil, and birds flap away as a crying shriek of morbid pain rings out.

     Talon gazes at her masterpiece, seeking the cat's eye ball out against the dirt. The cat is a ripped up mess, making Talon the same way, but not injured. Instead of washing off the blood, she simply licks the majority off. She makes sure to get every patch, then gets up and goes back. Her paws wander as she thinks deeply, regretting that she had lost it in the middle. Why couldn't she have just left them alone? As she nears the city, she feels her rage slowly stop.

    Insanity... She thinks, doing the same thing over and over again.. I don't want to live like that! But I chose this life, so I have to follow my own path. There's the real me under this blood-thirsty cat, but she's soon to be brutally murdered by the new me, and that's why I'm scared.. She thought aimlessly to herself. That was her worst fear is loosing who she was, but in her world where cats rule by power, she has to keep this deadly personality.

A sudden rustle of bushes and the flash of a yellow eye makes Talon jump into action on queue. She no longer waits to know who it is, just spins into attack. She finds the feeling of fur under her claws and presses down, shoving then into the dirt. "State your name, Group, and rank," she snarls at the cat.

"Robin of Bitten, half leader, beta type."

The cat answers simply, not even struggling. Bitten, huh?

Talon thinks to herself. "Reason why you're on Blood territory?" She asks bitterly with hostility in her voice.

Robin knew what she was getting into when she decided this. "I only wish for what little peace you have, my Group saw me with one of your members and made me look bad, therefore I want to join you,"

she says as if she knew this would happen.

"Exactly how many teeth have you got?"

"Four on each paw, ten on my leader paw cuff, sixteen on my tail cuff, and twenty-eight on my collar," she answers quickly.

Holy mouse-dung! She's almost as powerful as me! "You may join us, but if there's any conflict then I will ban you." Talon muttered, flicking her tail to tell the cat to follow.

The ginger-spotted cat follows, her yellow eyes filled with fear of the banishment. She had to be at her best behavior, or else her worthless death wouldn't be nice telling about.

Talon leads her to her Group, easily squeezing through the corner between the fence and dumpster. When she enters, all of the cats stop what they were doing and dip their heads. "I have a new guest for you all, she has seventy teeth and is from Bitten. You may call her Robin, and she used to be a half leader, the second one." Talon calls out, laying down on her high platform.

"Kerosene," Talon snarls.

"Yes, Leader?" A cat with a burnt ear asks, standing up.

"Show Robin around, and if you lay a single claw on her, you won't be able to hear for long," the cat threatens, her blue eyes deadly serious. The cat dips his head, putting his tail on Robin's and showing her around. Talon watches over the scrawny kits and queens as they try not to notice her burning gaze. Her memories from earlier make her want to cringe, but she can't as she's noticed. She lived in a world where blood was not rare, resulting in having at least eight different types of leaders. She was lucky she could trust hers enough not to attempt to murder her. She knew she was powerful, having no sanity when her life depended on it. All she needed was the urge to sustain life, then the enemy would be down immediately. She couldn't hesitate to murder, it was how Scourge raised her. No one knew who her parents were, but Scourge saw her as the most scrawny in the Clan, then let her stay until her eyes opened. As soon as he saw the manic look in her eyes, he knew he had to control that. So he started training her very young to cut down the urge, practicing with hunting. Bone thought it was strange, so did the rest of the Clan, but no one questioned him. If he hadn't have found her, she would have murdered anything in her wake with not the slightest feeling of sanity. She never wanted that life, so she listened to every word Scourge had said. And that leads her to today, having new standards for the Groups. So far, Blood was the most powerful, because of their leaders. Talon was a new type of cat, but no one knows where she came from. A shriek sounds as a cat bursts through the entrance. "Talon!" They snarl, looking her dead in the eye.

She stands up, hopping down as she says "Yes, Acid?"

The cat looks her right in her blue eyes, telling her he knows who it was.

"I found three bodies torn up near our territory," he breathes heavily. Her pupils go small for half a second as she remembers, and then go normal as she thinks about it. They can't know that she needed blood again, she'd seem too deadly to have as a leader. "I was attacked on the way, and my bloodthirst took over. I want you to get two queens and  go to the Shredd border, telling them about Anthill, Bite, and Rock. Do you have it? Bring them to me, I have a special message," Talon spoke with authority, looking down on him. 

His eyes flashed with defiance, and he snarled at her "You know what? I'm sick of your act of power! I know what really happened, and you couldn't help it!" 

The Group looked at him with wide eyes, gazing at their leader. Most of them trusted her enough to think the tom-cat was simply jealous. 

Talon's icy blue gaze shattered as she looked at him. She sighed, looking down. The cats around her got up and backed away, but the foolish tom didn't. A dark chuckle raised from her muzzle, and she suddenly looked up with a manic look. 

"It wasn't the real me-" she stopped to let out a loud insane giggle, "It was my insanity! I need blood, it's what makes me control myself around my Group!" Her breathing quickened as she let out another laugh.

The tom still looked defiant, gritting his teeth. Her chuckle stopped, and her blood-shot pupils looked at him. "You may choose whether to be banished or stay and keep quiet about this, or I will make you end up like Rock," she snarled lowly, her fluffed-up tail flicking.

His green eyes flashed slightly, then returned to defiance. "I'm not being led under someone with less sanity than a scared hedgehog!" He snarled, looking at her.

"Very well," her low mrowr sounded, and the queens grabbed their kits, running behind the wall. The other cats watched respectfully, knowing this would have happened in any Group, and this is what they got into. 

A loud rip sounded, and blood splattered across the pavement and bricks as the cat let out a loud shriek. She dove into the defiant cat, ripping his flesh from his body. Even though he was now dead, she kept attacking until he was nothing but a bloody mess. She slowly lapped up the blood from her paw, and opened her now-normal eyes. "Acid was a defiant mess. He had no right to run against me, therefore he is dead. I had a reason to kill him, but not to kill you all. You are loyal, good fighters, and amazing hunters. You're worth keeping alive." She muttered in a slow voice, assuring them that it's over. 

"Vole and Fleet, come clean him up," she muttered, walking behind the dumpster with the flick of her tail.

"Very well, Talon.' they said, getting up

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