Special Chapter

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You are currently running around your room to get ready for your classes in Hunter Academy. Unfortunately, you woke up late because you turned all of those 10 alarms off that you set before you sleep. It was useless though for you were awake until 4 am, watching some anime and reading the updates of your favorite manga. You quickly grabbed your bag and wore your shoes before running like a mad man. "Ah finally! Almost... Theee-"

Right after you turned around the corner, you bumped into something, or more like, someone. You saw the famous basketball club of your academy right before your eyes and you bumped into their captain, or you could say your friend slash your crush. "Ahh! Old hag watch where you're going!" Killua stood up and offered you a hand to help you up. "Well first of all I'm not an old hag! Second, you are in the way! Hmph!" You wanted to escape the awkward situation so you stomped your feet to your classroom, leaving the smirking Killua and his teammates. Oh great (Y/n) way to go.

Luckily, you arrived right on time. You gently placed your bag on your table and sighed. "Ahh so frustrating"


"Hey (Y/n), let's go to the basketball club later and see Killua~" As you can see, your friend, (friend's name), has a huge crush on Killua. Therefore, she doesn't know your feelings about him because you didn't want to ruin your friendship with her. "Oh sure." you said while you continued to eat your lunch. "I was actually planning to confess you know. Should I?" Oh fck. Not this. You didn't wanted this to happen, ever! "Oh ummm I guess you really should! I'm sure Killua will accept it." A smile was plastered on your face but you were completely hiding your feelings. Jealousy is taking over you. "I should see you later then, I'm going to class (Y/n)! See ya!" She waved her hand at you and gave you a warm smile while she skipped happily. You can't resist that! 'Ugh, oh (friend's name). I'm sorry'

After afternoon class

It was finally the end of the day and (friend's name) is dragging you to the gym where the basketball club practice. "I'm so excited! And I'm nervous what should I do?" (friend's name) panicked. "I'm sure it'll be fine, calm down." You opened the door to the gym which caused them to stop for a second "Oh don't mind us. We're just-ummm going to watch" You bowed your head and gave a smile to them while you and your friend quietly went to the bleachers which is filled with other girls that are cheering.

One of the players passed the ball to Killua while Killua made a perfect 3 point shot. You saw him smile to his teammates while his sweat drips down his face and well built biceps. Killua... looks so hot while playing.

The team took a short break and took a seat at the bench near the bleachers. "Oh hey (Y/n). Did you finally appreciate my good looking face that you came here to watch me?" Killua teased you while you sat there fuming with anger. "Oh shut up old man!" you retorted which owned a chuckle from the said boy. They continued to practice and after a few minutes, they stretched to end the practice while the other students left. "Okay (friend's name) I'll wait at the front gate. Good luck" you patted her shoulder and continued to exit the gym. You looked at the sky and saw that the sun is already setting. 'I wonder how things will turn out' you thought. You arrived at the gate and sat at the nearby bench. You enjoyed the quiet atmosphere and opened your manga to pass time.

After a few minutes, your friend was still nowhere to be seen. You were starting to get worried and put your manga back to its place. You stood up and you were about to go back to the gym but you spotted a familiar (friend's hair color) haired girl. "Oh hey (friend's name)! How did it-" You stopped talking when she ran into you and let out her tears. "I-I thought he was going to consider it but-but" your friend continued to let out her tears on your shoulder while you continued to calm her down. "Look (friend's name), there are better men out there! Should we go to your favorite café?" Luckily, your friend calmed down and nodded.

The two of you took off and after a few minutes, you finally arrived at the destination. You ordered her favorite latte and strawberry cake while you ordered a chocolate cake and a hot choco. "Thank you (Y/n), I would've been a mess without you" she smiled and gave out a sniffle while she ate her cake. "Of course! Would you even call me a friend if I would just leave you there?" She chuckles and finished off her cake while you did the same thing. "Go home safely (friend's name), I'll just stop by the gym, I forgot my pencil case there. Cheer up!" You quickly waved your hand and ran back to the school. "Damn it!" You arrived at the gym and spotted the albino. "Hey Killua!" This caught his attention and stopped on his tracks right when he was about to leave. "Oh hey (Y/n) how you-" He was cut off by a fist landing on his pale face. "You piece of Sht! How dare you reject her like that?! You could've at least consider it you jerk!" You continued on landing punches and mean words that you didn't meant but all of this ruckus was stopped by a few words "It's because you're the one that I like" You stopped midway, panting like crazy. "W-what?" You straightened up yourself and asked him to repeat his words. "I like you, not her you idiot. So go out with me." he confessed. Did you heard it right? Your questions were answered when he hugged you and put your head in his chest. "Is it a yes? Or a no? If a no, I'll reconsider-" the albino was cut off by a pair of soft lips meeting his. You felt guilty for (friend's name) but you couldn't resist all these feelings after what he said.  You broke the kiss, slightly panting while looking away.

"I guess it's a yes then"


I miss this book so I decided to write a special chapter for y'all.

Feel free to check out my new book, the Todoroki x reader~

I hope you enjoyed this though ( ´ ▽ ' )ノ

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