Part 9 - end

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Jimin and Yoongi glare at each other because they thought that Areum was in love with one of them.

They now were in the Kim family's gathering. Kim family invites their close friends and the kids of course with their friends too.

Jin came with his parent as he stayed with them, while Namjoon comes with his friends. Haneul invites her friends too. Jimin came with Tae Hyung and Jung Kook since they live together as a housemate. Tae Hyung doesn't mind sharing with his friends since his parent barely at home.

"You look different tonight, Areum." Her mother asked. The other looked at Areum.

"What's different? I'm still the same Areum." She replied to her.

"Your dressing likes you tried to impress someone." Her father added.

"Did I too obvious? Should I go change?" She asked his parent.

"Don't. You look pretty in that dress." Jin added.

"Really oppa?"

"Yes. And... Can we know why? We just have a family gathering. No need to dress well." He said. Areum just silent and smile. She was nervous to tell them about the surprise.

"Ma'am. You have a guest." Suddenly the maid came with an unfamiliar guest. None of them knew who is the couple.

"Who are they?" Namjoon asked when the couple appear in front of them.

"I don't know, but they are invited here, they said." The maid said. Then Areum turns to the guest.

"Aunty, uncle. Come in." She said politely. They just smile at Areum.

"You look pretty tonight. He might surprised seeing you this pretty." The mother said. Areum blushed to hear her compliment.

"I just like a usual aunty. Urmm... Mama, papa this is Aunty and Uncle Choi." Areum introduced them to her family.

"Hello. I'm Areum's mother and my husband." Areum's mother said then shook hand with them. While they were introduced to each other, Areum was nervously waiting for someone. She keeps glancing at the clock.

'He still not coming yet.' She thought.

"Areum? Are you okay? You look nervous." Her father suddenly asks.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Haneul asked. Mr and Mrs Choi just chuckled looks at Areum then suddenly asked.

"You not tell them, Areum?" Mrs Choi said.

"Umm... No. Sorry. I'm just not ready... But tonight I will. No more secret." As she said, the door rings.

"Do we have another guest? What's more surprise tonight?" Jin's mother asked.

"I- 'll get it." She smiles sweetly and went to the door. She took a deep breath and fix her dress before opening the door. The scene was witnessed by all of them.

"Baby. I miss you." The guy's voice caught their ears.

"I- I miss you too." She replied.

"Why are you so nervous tonight? And... You look pretty as always." He said and give her flowers.

"You know this just wasting your money." She claimed.

"Areum sweetheart. Who are you talking with? Why not invite him inside?" Her mother said from the kitchen.

"C-coming! Let's go?" She said to her boyfriend. They both went inside to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry for being late. My car broke down." He claimed and bowed politely to all Areum's family and friends.

"Oh. It's fine. So? Who are you?" Areum's aunty asked.

"I'm Choi Young Jae. Areum's boyfriend." He said. All of them was surprised by his statement.

"B-boy.. boyfriend? You mean... Couple?" Her father asked. Areum just nodded not daring to look at her father.

"Y-yeah." She replied.

"How long have you two dated?" Her mother asked.


"Day or month?" She asked not even Areum could finish her sentences.

"Years." She said as she looked up.

"Two years?" All of them was surprised.

"I'm sorry mama, papa. I don't mean to hide our relationship from both of you. It's just... I don't know how to tell you." She said.

"Don't be mad at her. We understand her. Also, they already confess that they are lovers now." Mrs Choi said. Areum and Young Jae went to sit at their both parents.

"Ok. Let's enjoy our dinner." Areum's mother said.

"Sure. It's a good idea before we have a serious talk." Mr Choi said as remembering their actual reason to see Areum's parents.


After dinner, all of the kids went outside leaving the parent inside talking their stuff while the children were having fun.

"Baby... I did say I have a surprise tonight, right?" Young Jae suddenly spoke.

"Hmm. So, what is it?" Areum nodded.

"Inside there. My parent was talking about us. And... I was thinking to take one more step for our relationship."

"You mean-" Before Areum could finish, Young Jae suddenly kneel in front of her with a small box in his hand. The others just watching them.

"Kim Areum. I can't wait for 4 years to make you mine. I already thought about this for a year. I decided to marry soon after my graduation. So, will you marry me?" He asked.

Areum was speechless. She never expected Young Jae would propose to her in front of her family and friends.

"I.. I... Yes." She said when she feels that he sincerely loves her. He is not playing his words. Young Jae smiles and puts the ring on her finger. He went hug her tight.

"I love you Areum."

"I love you too." She hugged back when suddenly she realised something. She pulled away from the hug.

"Wait- you said after your graduation and not mine?" She asked.

"Yeah. My graduation. Why?" He asked back. Areum suddenly thinks and counted something using her finger before she becomes shocked.

"Your graduation is next year and I still study. No! I don't want to get married that early. I'm still young and not ready to be a young mother." She claimed.

"Yah! I said we get married as soon as I graduate not even plan to build a family yet. But... Seems like you already planned it. You're always fast baby about this. I don't mind thou if you- Yah.. yah... it's hurt." Young Jae said and got glared at Areum before she went to pull his ear.

"Oppa! You such an old pervert man." She said and turn away from him, sulking. Young Jae rubs his red ear.

"Oh, baby... I'm just joking. Don't take it seriously." He said and back hug her.

"But... I love to have a big family." He added as he kissed her cheek and run away.

"Opppaaa!" She chased him around their friends. Their parents just chuckled looked at them both. They don't mind about their plan.

While they were happily chasing each other, Yoongi and Jimin just look at each other before laughing at each other for losing their first love.

"As long as you are happy. I am also happy." Both of them have the same thought about her.


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