All You Need Is Love - Harry Styles Fanfic

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"Amelia hurry up we're gonna be late." I yelled shoving my bags into the back of the Holden Commodore my dad bought for me last year.

"Coming." Amelia yelled - half hanging out her bedroom window. "Give me one more minute." I shut the boot of the car fogetting that Amelia still had to fit her bags in there. Quickly, I unlocked it for the second time today and held it open for my loveable, yet extreamly slow best friend.


"Do you think we'll get to meet One Direction on the street?" Amelia broke the silence and I was ready to kill her since my favourite song of all time - As Long As You Love Me by Justin Bieber had just started on the radio. "I dunno. Probably not." I replied, slowly turning the notch that turns the music up.

But of course Amelia just had to ask the question again. Her pink finger-nails just touching the notch as she carefully turned down the music. "But we might. We could be walking down the street singing One Thing and suddenly a group of laughing boys laugh as hard as they possibly could and they're One Direction. Then they might fall in love with me and we'd live happily ever after."

I'm not really a fan nor a hater of the boyband. Their alright I guess. The songs are cool and I admit they have talent but I just never really had the time to watch their videos and stuff.

"Maybe." I answered again. "But probably not the whole fall in love thing... Like come on Amelia - you have to admit they'd never date a fan. They've got models lining up at their feet."

"Eleanor was a fan." Amelia was never one to give up. Thats what I loved about her. But she never actually thought about things either.

"Yeah. But wasn't Eleanor a model too?" I waited for the song to finish to actually reply since I hadn't been able to listen to it propely. I guess its one of the things you've gotta put up with when you're moving to London with your best friend.


"What number is it?" I didn't want to ask because by the time Amelia would have found the house number I would have a pet unicorn and died.

"Uh.. Eh.. Where'd you put the sheet of paper." Amelia asked sleepishly. I laughed and pulled the piece of white paper from the drink holder."Here."

"Okay." Amelia straightened up. "Number 107 Gordon Street." She annoced loud and proud. Finally she did something quickly.

"100.. 101.. 102... 103.. 104.. 105.. 106.."I read out the house numbers until we reached the brick house that Amelia and I were going to stay in for the next couple of years while wer're at collage.

"You ready?" I asked Amelia as I pulled up into the long, cemented drive way.

I heard a mumble of jumbled words come from Amelia's mouth. It sounded like a yeah mixed with a i don't know. maybe...

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