Freedom…freedom to express thy self.
Filled with every emotion under the sun, desiring a great release to express the words of the heart which go unspoken because the heart cannot speak.
Life is tumultuous at times, causing an emotional roller coaster to erupt from the heart and cascade through the mind. With a talented gift and ability to breath life into words from the finger tips…I give you…the collaborations of my mind.
Republication Copyright © Ife' Miller, Wattpad 2014
Copyright © Ife’ Miller, 2012
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.
Unless otherwise noted Scriptures are taken from the STUDENT BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN: 978-1-105-45165-2 (paperback)
Collaborations of My Mind
Ife’ N. Miller
I dedicate my work to the Most High for granting me the blessings and gift of writing with ‘color’ and emotion while bringing words to life through my fingertips. I would like to dedicate all of my works to my greatest inspirations in life: My mother; Tracey Miller (Diane Pierce) for being my bridge into this life. Alajhaun, Cori, Le’ Jon, Shevhuan, Dwayne, Abrahm, Damionisha, and Adonis along with Elliot Danfield, Kendra Warner, Dawn Blanchard, for seeing the depth of my potential and the blessing of my gift to write. I would like to also take the time to thank Salenda Webb, Benny Ingram, Jennifer King, Teahon Hayes, and every person that I have not mentioned that believed in me in the times that my own belief fell short. You all were the additive to my strength to keep writing when times changed and I felt I had no strength to go on writing. Thank you all and you are a necessity to my life and movement.
And I apply a special dedication to all of those within the GLBT-Q who strive daily to live and love freely…and not to be seen as wicked substance in society.
~ I. Miller b.k.a Sunshine ~ a.k.a Lessynz
These are the collaborations of my spirituality, faith, mind, heart, life, and experiences as they have played out periodically through time. They are the expressions of love, faith, spirituality, hurt, pain, anger, frustration and all of the human emotions that a life force can have. Though, they are inspiring moments that encourage and touch the lives of those who can relate to these encounters to show proof that no one is alone in their walk in this life. Your journey is your own, but your situations, emotions and circumstances are duplicated through others in time. Always remember my dear friends: “The sun always shines…even when we don’t see it.” Enjoy my gifts and may you share them with the world and every life force you encounter, it’s how the blessing works.
Metamorphosis of a Butterfly
Imperfectly – Perfect
A Child Lost
A Conqueror