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As Stormfly took off, I grabbed at Astrid's hood in an attempt to keep myself from falling off due to the unexpected sudden movement.

After I rebalanced myself, I looked down at the ground below and a thought occured to me. 'What if I fell off?' And, as you'd expect, I got scared.

Since there wasn't much to hold onto, I ended up clinging to Astrid, who, after glancing back and seeing I was scared, smiled and said, "You know, the view's much nicer if you look around."

At first, I just kept clinging, but after calming down, I slowly sat back up and looked around. I looked around for Toothless, and spotted him a bit to our left.

"Even if you fall, Stormfly'll catch you." Astrid added to her previous statement.

"It really is a nice view." I marveled.

Astrid didn't say anything, but I caught the tail end of a nod. And we rode in silence for a while.

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