The big fight

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As me and Harry were walking through the park we we're holding hands and talking. All of a sudden I saw my mom and my sister there. I wanted to talk to them because everysince me and Harry were dating I never seen them as much as I did before.

"Harry I'm going to go talk to my mom and my sister. I'll be back fast. Okay, "I said

"Okay babe, "Harry said

"Okay. I'll be back, "I said while I kissed him on the cheek

"Mom what are you doing here, "I asked

"Nothing just strolling with your sister. That's it, "she said

"Oh okay. I was just wondering, "I said

"Okay, "my mom said

"Okay. I got to get back to Harry. Bye, "I said ending the conversation

"Bye darling, "my mom said

"Bye, "I said

As I turned around I saw Harry flirting with another girl. When I saw that image my heart just broke into two.

"Oh. Hey Terri come here, "Harry said

I was so angry that I just ignored him.

"Excuse me, "Harry said to the girl

"Terri what happened, "He asked

"I saw how you looked at that girl, "I said jealously

"What...Are you jealous, "Harry asked

"Why don't you ask your new girlfriend I bet she could tell you, "I said angrily

"But your my girlfriend, "Harry said sadly

"Or maybe I'm not. Maybe we need a break from each other, "I said

"Why are you acting like this, "Harry asked

"You know what never mind. I'm sorry Harry but its over, "I said while I shed one tear

Harry was speechless. I walked away from him, but I still could see the tears on his face. I hated myself for doing that, but I thought it was the right thing to do at the time.

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