Softy Centaur

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☆ ᴿᴱᵟᵁᴱˢᵀᴱᴰ ☆

I stretched my arms as I sat up on my cozy bed, fluttering my eyes open feeling tired again. "Ugh" Swinging over my feet to land on the cold wooden floor, I trudged to my bathroom and splash my face with cold water.

I lived in a barn with my boyfriend. He told me that we should runaway together and I actually said yes. Since my school didn't really treat me that great and the education there sucks. My parents were in a car accident, but they couldn't made I lived with my uncle.

He was pretty being mean to me as well. So that's when Lucas asked me to run away with him, and I did. Pretty crazy huh?

That's pretty much it of my whole life story, but there's a little more to it.

I finished washing myself and stepped out of the shower. After dressing myself, I was feeling refreshed! My stomach started to growl of hunger, giggling to myself, I went downstairs and went into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

As for Lucas, well...he was pretty much jogging around the barn. I could hear his hooves come in contact with the soft ground. He soon slowed down and open the giant door where it leads to the barn. I smiled with delight while I flipped the pancakes onto the pan.

"Hey sweet cheeks. You ready for a run?" Lucas got a towel and wiped it against his forehead, panting wildly as I chuckled. "After I eat breakfast. I made pancakes just for us!" Setting down the food on a plate, I went over to the table and placed it.

Lucas walked over to me and picked me up with care, he then began to kiss all over my face. He then went over to my lips and I soon kissed back. Pulling away, he put me down and we both went over to the table.

"You always make my favorite meals, I love you so much!" Lucas squealed softly and then he pecked me on the forehead. I playfully rolled my eyes as I smiled. "I'll give you sugar cubes once we run"

My boyfriend then started to chomp down his breakfast. I ate mine at a normal speed, obviously. "Slow down! You're going to choke!!!"


We both finished breakfast and got out of the barn. Lucas began to dance happily around me which I laughed out. He usually never opens up to people, except for me which is considered awesome since I was his girlfriend.

I never centaurs exist until now. I was just wandering around the forest and spotted him! My boyfriend suddenly picked me up and put over his body. "You ready?" He questioned me.

I pat on his back and clutched onto his body like a teddy bear. "I'm always ready babe!" He then charged off which made my [hair color] hair flew back.

Lucas laughed as he looked back to see me, he saw that my hair was flying away like crazy. I huffed angrily and spoke, "Keep your eyes on the road, mister."

He rolled his eyes in a sarcastic way, "Whatever you say, your highness"

We both then chuckled and he ran over to where the forest was. He probably sensed there were other centaurs there, because that's where they mostly hang out. Hidden away from the city.

"What's on the agenda for centaurs today?!" I tried to speak but the wind was angrily interrupting me. Lucas held my hand as he beamed with joy, "Racing for their mate!!!" For some reason that made me blush and I hid into his shoulder.

"Lucas! Over here!" A female centaur waved her hand to signal him to walk over. I soon got off of him and we both strolled over to her.

My boyfriend cleared his throat and then he had a poker face on. "I'm so going to beat the other centaurs." He stately said as he stretched his arms, then his hooves. I snickered playfully and started to pat on his back. "Sure"

"Oh hey Y/N! You ready to see the greatest thing of your lifetime?!" The female, Linda ruffled my head which made my hair look messy. I pushed her away softly and smirked. "Of course I am."

The Race

There were full of male centaurs on the grass, they were getting ready. while that Lucas and I were talking to each other. He began to panic a little. "You'll be fine babe! Just breathe okay? Here are some sugar cubes" I spoke with him and gave him sugar cubes.

Sugar cubes usually calmed him down, I hope it works now. "Okay, okay! I can do this! I am a tough centaur and I won't let you down!!" Lucas puffed out his chest, trying to look more manly. I tip-toed up to kiss his cheek, "Good luck LuLu."

His face turned red from the nickname. "D-Don't call me that!!" I almost cracked up. He was so adorable and such a softy. I don't know why he wanted to be like a tough man from the others. Maybe he was just trying to impress them.

"Get ready!"

The male centaurs toughened up while Lucas was trying to calm down. Linda trudged up to me and nudged me on the shoulder, "Psst. Hey."

"Oh, hey" I replied smiling up to her, since she was taller than me and was half horse.

"You think Lucas is going to beat all of them?" The blonde whispered in my ear, which I frowned slightly. "Well it's not about winning, is it?"

She rolled her eyes in an annoying way. "I know Lucas. He's not actually a tough guy. He just wants to be like that because he thinks other male centaurs are meant to be that way." She reasoned with me, her turquoise eyes staring at them.

I crossed my arms worryingly, feeling a bit uncomfortable around her. Linda always has a point. "....."

"Go go go!!!" They then charged off, Lucas became in third place while I cheered wildly. "Go Lucas go!!!"

Linda laughed crazily, enjoying my enthusiasm. "What do you see in him Y/N? That always makes me wonder."

Grinning, my eyes glistened with hope. "He's not like the others. Sure, he might not be manly, but that's what I like about him. He's unique."

Hearing that made Lucas galloped faster, faster than the others. I jumped up and down excitedly while waving my hands in the air. "Come on babe! You can do it!"

Reaching to the finish line, he finished first.

"That was amazing LuLu! I'm so proud of you!" I kissed all over his face, which he blushed like a mad man. "Th-Thanks Y/N!"

He swallowed down some sugar cubes, earning that as an award. I giggled in joy as I locked lips with him. Lucas kissed back and carried me with such care.

So what if he's not human? He'll always be my softy centaur.

A/N: sorry if it was too short, I'm running out of ideas ^^"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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