Avengers Assemble

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It was a nice sunny day humid but nice. The kind of day where bad things happen but of course I wasn't very familiar with that. I don't know it's an avenger thing.

"Are we there yet" I asked feeling Peters hands over my face

"Almost there sweet"

"Ok- OUch" I said as I tripped over a rock and elbowed Peter

"Hey, not my fault you should pick your feet up higher" he giggled. "Okay ma lady we're here you can open your eyes now" I felt his warm hands leaving my face as I looked down

There In front of me was a classic red and white blanket and a basket. I smiled as I peered in the basket and saw (Your favorite food). 

I looked back at him and grinned. The way his brown locks fit perfectly over his face and his mis-shappen eyebrow made me feel so warm inside. I felt like I could dive into his deep brown eyes and his round lips curved into a smile begged for me to kiss them. How did no body else have a crush on this kid.

"Shall we get started" he asked

"Yes we shall"

I looked up at the clouds and said it's so beautiful.

"Yes you are" he said looking at me pursing his lips as if considering something.

Bing* went both of our phones. I groaned as I rolled my eyes.

"Same thing huh?"

"Yeah, Tony always has the worst timing for an emergency meeting." 

"Anyway lets go" I said frowning

"Aww its okay sweets we can do this another day" he said kissing me on the forehead. "Look I saved you some" He held out a jumbo lollypop and handed it to me. Peter always so thoughtful.


3rd Person POV

You walked down the street with Peter hand in hand wondering about what the heel Tony wanted. You were still upset about him interrupting your picnic. I guess it was time to find out. You walked inside the tower taking a deep breath of the new officey smell greeting you and Peter

"Finally you two decided to come" Tony said the rest of the avengers following behind him

"Sorry Mr.Stark whats up" Peter asked

"Come" he motioned as you two followed him the elevator. "FRIDAY alerted me that there is a serial killer possibly a hydra agent 22 people gone missing all on the same day and they have stolen 4 million dollars from my bank.

"Aren't you like a multi billionaire?"

"Yes but this is serious it may involve Hydra who knows what their next plan is" You didn't quite know what hydra was but you didn't think that this was the right time to ask. You could have sworn the name Hydra was familiar.

Suddenly the elevator stopped and shook a symbol of what looked like a red octopus on the screen. Tony smacked a wall on the side of the elevator causing a panel to fall out maybe trying to stop or pinpoint the message from.

"Whatever you do you cannot stop us. We are coming for all of you and you cannot run Anthony Stark" At the mention of his name Tony seemed to speed up working while the camera changed from the red octopus signal to show 20 government officals all lined up on the wall one that had a gun to his head. 

"Detonating in 5....

"Tony you better hurry up" 

"Would you shut up I'm going as fast as I can" he said ripping out a few wires

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