Chapter 3:

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Look knew when he was seventeen, and well it's time to tell you. Thor....

Recap over*

Thor.....Loki is your Fiance. Thor stared blankly at father and mother, then suddenly bursted out laughing. "Hahaha! That is funny father. Good joke, but how can he if we were raised as brothers." He looked up to father to see his eyes were not lying about this. "Father, you can't be serious. I love Loki like a brother and now you tell me he's my fiance. What kinda cruel joke are you playing at." Thor scoffed as he said that. I looked down as I knew he would hate this idea. "Father how is this even possible?!" Father sighed. "I told you, since I found Loki I made a deal with his father to arrange a marriage for you two without you knowing. He agreed, and he loves you look very much Loki but he couldn't keep you there for your size put you in dangers way. You two will get married and I don't want to fight about it." Father said and got up. "You two will live together in the same room, house and spend time together and get to know each other more then you do now." With those final words and walked away with mother.

I kept looking down as Thor paced back and forth. He mumbled to himself and I sat on the bed. Quiet. "How could they not tell me sooner. How can I marry Loki, who I thought as a brother, to be my wife." He kept mumbling and I silently cried as he said these hurtful words. I got up slowly and walked towards the door. "Where are you going Loki?" He asked. "I want to be alone right now." I said silently. "Why, you knew about this whole ordeal. I need to process all of-" "Maybe I want to be alone from YOU Thor." I turned around swiftly with teary eyes. "I can hear all what your saying and it hurts but I get it. I'm not what you want in a wife, hel I'm not even a woman. Well I'm sorry that I'm not your ideal of a wife." I ran out the door crying and speed down the rainbow bridge and told Hymdall to take me to Earth to the Avengers tower, and he did.

Once I arrive there I ran to my room as everyone watched me and laid in my bed crying. I heard the door open and Peter spoke. "Loki, what's wrong?" I sat up as he sat next to me and told him what has happened in Asgard. "Oh my gosh, that's terrible." He held me and asked if he could tell the others and I nodded. "They'll find out from Thor so." He nodded and went to tell the others as I fell asleep thinking 'What will happen now?'

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