Chapter 3: Mysterious Signals

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Chapter 3: Mysterious Signals

-Any man can handle adversity. If you truly want to test a man's character, give him power.- Abraham Lincoln


Cole, Cassie, and Zeke were back on the roof as Cole and Cassie explain everything to him. "...and it drains neuro-electric energy." Cole finishes. "I knew it! All the stuff I've been sayin', every word is true. The government's in cahoots with a secret organization, the Ray Sphere... damn, it all makes sense now." Zeke states as he was a bit excited and realization comes to light. "Calm down. You're gonna hurt yourself." Cole states.

"That Ray Sphere must dish out powers to anyone controlling it." Zeke states then Cassie steps forward, "Then what about me? I wasn't holding it at all. I was just walking back with mom and dad, until... you know." she states and Cole places his hand on her shoulder. "I know that part is still confusing. But you gotta bring it back here." Zeke states.

The two decided to humor him. "Sure, I can use a side-kick," Cole states, placing his arm on Cassie's shoulders and leans against her as she giggles a little. "Ah, hell with that. Zeke Jedediah Dunbar is his own man." Zeke states and the look at him as Cole was a bit surprised. "Your middle name is Jedediah?" he asks him. And Zeke nods at him as he was proud of himself. "Yes, it is, after my grandfather. Strongman for a man his size. Uh, I don't know where Zeke comes from, but I'm certain-" Zeke starts as he trails off, "You need to take a nap and a bath. Cassie and I have things to do." Cole tells him, Zeke just shrugs his shoulders.

Then the two walk over to the edge and jump down into the valley below them, "I've already got a couple of leads for you; the coordinates have been uploaded into your phone. Give me a call when you're in position." Moya tells them and hung up the phone. Cole sighs and they make their way through the city and they climb up a roof and then dodge the bullets that were fired at them. "Let's take care of them first before we begin?" Cassie asks him, Cole looks at her and nods at him, "You read my mind." he states and the broke off and jump from roof to roof, kicking Reaper ass, collecting blast shards.

They then regroup at a roof and they look around, "All right, now what?" Cole asks her. "I'm picking up some weird interference from a rooftop not far from you. Need to find out its origin and purpose." Moya answers him, "So what are we looking for?" Cole asks her again, "Not really sure, probably a transmitter of some kind. Call me when you get over there." she states and Cole looks at Cassie, she shrugs at him and they took off for the rooftop. They jump down onto the roof and climb their way up to the water container and then pulls themselves up on top and look at the dish as it was beeping.

"This thing is still working?" Cassie asks as she circles it. "We found it, looks like some portable audio drive is attached to this satellite dish," Cole informs Moya. "See if you can listen to it with your phone," Moya suggests and then Cassie pulls out the drive, handing it to Cole. He takes it from her and places it on his phone. Cassie walks up to listen to the message but got static instead.

Cole looks at Cassie as she shrugs, "Sounds like a bunch of garbage to me." Cole informs Moya. "It's an encrypted message, but I can't break it. Look around and see if you can find another one," she tells him and they both look around. Then they both use their electric sense and found the direction, then they both took off, walking along the power line and then jump on the side of the building and climb up it then ran over to the cooler and climb on top of it and were standing in front of the dish. Cole takes out the drive and places it on his phone, and the same response as before, static.

"You hear that? Same thing as before." Cole informs Moya. "I'm running the signals through a decryption program on this end. I've cracked it, but I need another sample. Look around for more of those files." Moya tells them and then hung up, Cassie then uses her electric sense and found the direction, "This way." she states then jumps down from the cooler, Cole looks her way and then followed her.

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