The Eye of the Storm

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  "Oh my god. Oh my god. This can't be happening!" Jess huffed as she stood on the bathroom, staring at the pregnancy test in front of her. No, it wasn't hers, but imagine finding out your 15-year-old sister is pregnanant. "Two lines Shelly, two."

  Jess looked at her little sister, whose eyes were bloodshot from crying. "I'm so sorry, Jess, I let you down. I did what you told me to wait for...and now..." Her words faded out, at her eyes leaked fresh tears and a long sob escaped her lips. "Oh, god!"

  That's when it happened. Jess closed her eyes and promised something she never did before:

  God...If you even exist...I promise sex, drugs, prostitution, alcohol, and cheating, will not become a part of me. I'm gonna stay a virgin and save it 'til marriage.
  And for as long as she remembered she kept that promise. She didn't want to get drunk, or high, or have sex, because she knew the consequences. So, she was labeled the "Golden child" and a "Good girl", while Shelly was labeled lots of horrible things, but what hurt the most, was a slut.


Two days later.

  "I need to go to the doctor. I need to see if my baby's okay." Shelly said to her sister, panicked.

  "I know, Shel, but we're gonna get caught. I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to tell Mom." Jess informed her sister.

  "Okay, when she get's home. We can cook her her favorite meal, and at the end, I can give her a gift box with the stick in it. Do you still have it?"

  "Yep, but I don't think Mom'll take it well, so, let's tell her not to open it until we go to sleep. That way, we can deal with her in the morning, when she's thought it over." Jess said.

  "Thanksgiving break ends in two days. So, I'm gonna have to prepare for scolding. And...telling James." She said pouting.

  "I'll be there, if you want." Jess said, comforting her little sister.

  "Of course you will. You're the good one. I'm just the slut who got pregnant." She blurted.

  "Don't believe that. You aren't a slut." Jess said angrily.

  "Am too. And I've got the baby to prove it!" She exclaimed, as her yells turned into cries. She'd been crying alot lately, and Jess was sick of it. But, she decided to suck it up, and give her sister a break.

  "Shel, I'm gonna go start the Quiche. When you calm down, you can come help.

  "Okay." Shelly sniffled, and Jess Headed towards the kitchen. She quickly washed her hands and grabbed all the stuff she needed. She preheated the oven to 350° and was about to chop up the spinach, when Shelly walked in with a smile.

  "I'm sorry. I think it's hormones. I didn't think I'd get mood swings this early." Shelly groaned, as she approached the sink and washed her hands. Jess was sauteing some onions, while the mixer whiped the eggs and cheese.

  She lifted her head at her sister and smiled. "It's okay, babe. Mom gets off in two hours and thirty minutes and we can tell Dad when we go to his house tomorrow, so I'm going to have to prepare myself for ALOT of crying." Jess giggled.

  "Okay, let's butter mom up, Shall we?" Shelly Said.

  "We shall." Jess joked. They both got to working on their mom's quiche, and about 2 hours later, it was done. They decided to take baths while it cooled down, so Jess bathed in her mom's bathroom, and Shelly took the one in the hallway. Jess's closet connected to her mom's bathroom, so she didn't have to go in he mom's room to get in. She guessed that Shelly got out before her, because she heard a door open, and footsteps. When she finished, she headed into her room and threw her pair of dark gray joggers, with a light gray spaghetti strap t-shirt that said "Sleep is my middle name". She walked down the steps and was confused, because the hallway shower was still running. Her instinct was to go grab a knife, because some weirdo was probably in her house.

  As she approached the kitchen, she walked in to see none other than her mother, eating the quiche out of the pan, with a plastic fork. "Mom! We were supposed to surprise you. And I wanted some, too." She said with a fake pout.

  "And don't forget me!" Shelly walked in to see the horrid scene. "Momma, you're off early.

  "This quiche is good. What did you guys do this time?" Shelly froze and Jess awkwardly smiled. "Calm down guys, I'm just kidding." They both breathed a breath of releif. When their mom's comment had finally blown over, Jess said something.

  "Mom, you can't just eat out of the pan with a fork." She said.

  "Oh, really." She said, taking another scoop, mocking her daughter.

  "You know what? Give me a fork." She proclaimed to her mom. "Come on Shelly."

  "Yeah!" Her mom replied, as Shelly just rolled her eyes and grabbed a fork.

  As they all sat down at the tall, black, marble counter, eating in their tall chairs, they embraced the moment. Jess enjoyed these times, where the weren't a normal family, just, together and happy.

  "Okay, Mom, we have a surprise." Jess said with a serious face.

  "What's the catch? Is this a set up?" Ms.Newlan asked, confused, but smiling.

  "No, but, there is one catch." Shelly said half-smiling.

  "What?" She said.

  "Ummm, Jess." She asked desperately. Jess shook her head no and gestured her to go on. "Oh, you can't open it, until we're sleeping." She blurted in one breath. "Momma." She called and Ms.Newlan looked at her daughter. "Can you promise me, you won't overreact?"

  "Promise." She said with a smile. "Okay come give momma a kiss and go to bed.

  "Goodnight, mama bear." They said at the same time, as they headed upstairs to brush their teeth. Shelly asked to sleep in Jess's room, in her bunk bed, for the night. Jess's best friend had come over so much, to the point where they just bought a trundle bed. Jess didn't mind her sister's company, so she said ok. Not long after, her sister came in and pulled out the bottom matress. The colors were mainly grey and navy blue, but there were white sheets too. It kinda looked like a couch, but easily turned into two, comfy beds.

  "Hey, Jess." Shelly whispered in the pitch black room. Her sister replied with a weak mmhmm. "Am I gonna die? You know, from childbirth."

  "No, no, no, babe. You're gonna be just fine, okay." Jess said.

  "Okay." She replied.

  "Now go to bed." Jess said, with millions of bad scenarios of tomorrow morning. All included her mom, and yelling.

  Let's just hope she doesn't kick her out. She thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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