One last party

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Hey guys! I'm finally back!!! Anyway quick recap...
Theo has come back into the picture. (He is the assholes who let his friends 'have' Autumn.) 10 Days have pasted since he came back and Autumn promised him that she would move to California if he left her friends alone. He then took her on a date where he confessed his love for her.
Now that we are up to date shall we get back to the story?


"No... No, you don't get to say that," I look Theo dead in the eye before standing from the table and making my way towards the door.

The screeching of a chair on the floor signals to me that he is following and I quickly pick up my pace trying my best to not make a scene.

I feel a warm hand wrap around my should and I turn on my heels to come face to face with him.

"Oh come on baby, you know it's true." A smug look makes it's way across his face and I screw my nose up before pulling my shoulder out of his grip and continuing towards the door.

"If it was true the day at the lake never would have happened!" I snap not daring to look back to see how close he was.

I hear the sound of his foot steps and reach for the door. The cold air nips at my bare skin and I look around the empty street before I begin to walk down the dark footpath.

"Autumn wait!" His voice echoes down the street.

"Leave me alone!" I shout back as I turn towards him.

He makes his way towards me and his eyes lock onto mine. The gentle breeze sweeps his hair onto his face. Before he reaches me he stop and we fall into a staring contest, neither of us daring to break eye contact as the night around us grows even darker.

"Autumn... I'm so sorry that I hurt you all those years ago. I'm sorry that I left, I'm sorry that we didn't work, and I'm sorry that I let you down," his words break the silence that we were trapped in and I feel his hand lightly touch my own.

I slowly shake my head and look deeply into his eyes. "An apology isn't going to fix what happened. You left me, you hurt me and you broke my heart and yet here you are trying to apologize to do what? Make me forgive you for all the horrible things that you did? After you left my heart in pieces and disappeared I changed Theo. I didn't think I would fall for anyone the way that I fell for you. I thought I meant something more to you than just a girl you got to kiss."

I stop to take a deep breath and I look up to the sky, the black clouds cover the once starry night and rain drops begin to fall.

"Autumn I'm so sorry, you do mean more to me." He pulls my face back towards his holding onto my chin.

I sigh deeply and see him smile ever so slightly.

"Autumn Brooks you mean the world to me and when we go to California we can start over. We can build new lives for ourselves, lives where I made less mistakes and you were in love with me again," his breath creates a steamy cloud and the rain slowly begins to get harder.

"Theo... It will never go back to the way it was. I am coming to California but not for you and defiantly not for me, the only reason I am coming with you is to protect my friends." I stare into his grey eyes.

"As long as I have you I will be happy."  A large smile makes it's way across his face a rain drops roll across his cheeks before falling to the ground.

His eyes seem to put my into a trance and I don't notice him slowing moving forward until I feel his lips on mine. I close my eyes tightly and pull away.

"Can I ask for one favour?" I look at the rain soaked ground and pull the bottom of my dress down slightly as an attempt to hide from the cold weather.

"Anything for you baby," I cringe at the pet name he called me before looking back to his face and smiling widely.

"Can I through one last party?"

He raises an eyebrow and stares down at me. "This isn't a way for you to run away is it?"

I quickly shake my head "No, think of it was a farewell party where I go see my friends one last time before disappearing with you." I smile sweetly hoping that it will make him say yes.

He looks down at me and smirks. "The thought of us disappearing together is everything I've ever wanted and I guess a goodbye wouldn't hurt anyone... The only rule is that you can't leave the house unless it is with me and if you do there will be consequences."

I smile and nod before turning on my heels and heading towards his car. The thought of living with him in a different state brings the taste of vomit into my mouth and I begin to brainstorm ways to escape with my friends.

I feel an arm wrap around my waist as we begin to reach the car and the rain soaked fabric of Theo's jacket makes a shiver run up my spine.

I fish my phone out of my purse and quickly text Em and Gracie.

Hey girls, emergency party later tonight invite everyone you know I need the biggest distraction we can get - A

I quickly hide my phone when we arrive at the car and Theo opens my door. I slide into the car and immediately feel my body begin to warm up. Theo leans down towards me a places a gentle kiss onto my cheek.

He begins to stand but just before he does he whispers into my ear. "You're mine now Autumn Brooks."


Authors note
Okay y'all I know this wasn't my best paragraph and it was a little shorter than some others but I have been having the worst few months and while I've wanted to get back to writing I haven't found time until now. Also this was written on my phone and probably won't be edited for a little while so please lay off because I will get the eventually so to the grammar Nazis out there please edit this in your head not the comments because trust me babes I read them all.
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- love always S 💞

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