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J'onn and Alex and a strike team all headed to here Kara heard the signal coming from. It led them on a crosswalk in the middle of the city.
"This can't be right." Kara said confused. "The signal is coming from right here."
Alex touched her ear piece. "Winn, is there anything here? Can you scan something from there?" A Alex asked.
"I can, but I'd have to be there to do it." Winn responded.
Kara flew back to the DEO, got Winn and flew back to her everyone she was.
"There. Now can you scan?" Kara asked.
"Yeah, just give me a second."
Winn spent five minutes trying to figure out where the signal was coming from.
"Are you don't get?" Alex asked impatiently.
"Just hang on. Genius takes time." Winn continued to work. "Got it." He walked over and stood in one spot. "Here. Where ever the signal is coming from, it's here."
Kara walked over. "It's coming from a man in a ship." She said studying the ground.
"How do you know?" J'onn asked
"I just do. How do we get down there though?"
"I can shape-shift down and I can bring two people with me."
"Take Kara and Winn." Alex said. " I'll stay here with the team."
"Are you sure." Kara asked Alex.
"Yeah, we'll be fine. Go."
Kara walked over to Winn and J'onn. J'onn wrapped his arms around both of them and shape-shifted down into the ship. Kara and J'onn immediately started looking around the ship. Kara recognized the ship from her dream, so she knew where everything was from what she saw. She crossed the hall to a room where she saw the orange tubes with people inside.
Winn grabbed Kara's arm. "Are those...people?"
Kara walked closer. "I think so."
"Are they alive?"
"They're alive." A voice said from the shadows in the corner of the room.
Kara couldn't see him, but she could see that he was holding a gun and it was pointing at them.
"We're not here to hurt you." Kara said extending her arm like she would to calm a human. Winn let go of Karas arm as she as she took a step closer to the voice and he latched onto J'onn's arm.
"How did you get inside my ship?" He must've stepped forward half and inch because there was no longer that much of a shadow on him. Now Kara could see that he had a dark coloured beard like the man in her dreams.
"I've seen you before. You're the man in my dreams." Kara kept her voice calm.
"Liar!" He yelled. "You can only see loved ones in dreams."
"What do you mean, you can only see loved ones? Why did I see you then?"
"You didn't. You're lying. You've had no dreams."
Kara could tell by the sound of his voice he was sad.
"What's wrong?" She asked getting closer to the man, and the gun. She knew a gun wouldn't hurt her, but this gun looked a little different than normal guns. She didn't want to risk finding out what were to happen if it were fired.
"Have you had dreams of loved ones?"
"Yes. Not of her, exactly. The only thing I see are comets flying through the night sky. I had told her that when she was sad, her eyes were as blue as comets." He lowered his gun like he had lost the strength to hold it up in the air.
Kara's body got all warm and her heart stoped. Mon El had told Kara that too. She knew it couldn't have been Mon El standing in front of her. But her heart had a different opinion.
"Mon El?"
He quickly raised his gun again at Kara, who she too obviously was in the dark for him. "How do you know my name?" He yelled
"Mon El? Mon El, it''s me."
He lowered his gun. "Step into the light."
Kara took a few steps forward into the light that came from the tanks.
Mon El dropped his gun. "Kara......."
Kara smiled. "It's me."
Mon El stepped into the light as well. He looked different from when he had left Earth. He had a beard, his hair was darker, he'd become more muscular and he seemed a little taller. Kara slowly walked forward still with her face covered in shock from the fact that the man she loved and thought was dead and now was standing in front of her. She placed her hands on his face, her thumbs moving through his beard as she looked all over his face. Tears filled her eyes and a tear ran down Mon El's cheek. Then she wrapped her arms around Mon El and hugged him as hard as she could, within reason. He did the same and buried his face in her hair that covered her shoulder.
"I thought you were dead." Kara said weakly pulling away moving her hands down to Mon El's side.
"No I survived. I ended up on Earth in the 31st century. I tried to get back to you and send a message for so long to let you know I was okay. Then after all these years of trying, I lost hope that I was going to find a way back. Then I found out that my two friends, Imra and Brainy lied to me and they knew how to get back this whole time. Then I forced them to bring me back to this time." He said smiling.
Kara stopped listening when Mon El said "after all these years".
"Mon El. How long has it been since you left Earth?" She asked not wanting to hear the answer. Mon El looked confused, as if he knew that she knew how long it's been.
"What are you talking about? How long has it been?"
"It's been seven months, since you left."
"What?" He said no longer happy.
"How long has it been for you."
Mon El took a second before he said anything. "It's been seven years, since I left you."
Kara's head dropped trying to understand. Mon El put his hands on either side of her head and stared into her eyes. "But I never stoped loving, thinking or missing you. Not once." Mon El backed away about five feet away from Kara as fast as he could.
"Mon El, what's wrong?" Kara asked stepping a little closer.
"Seven months." He stepped back closer to Kara. "That means Mike isn't born yet!" He said touching her stomach. "I didn't miss him!"
Kara laughed. "No you didn't miss him. Actually, you're just on time, I'm going to start to show within these two months." Kara said touching her stomach.
Mon El smiled the biggest smile Kara had ever seen Mon El smile. He stared at Kara for a long time before saying something. "I just realized that Winn and J'onn both left." He said laughing. Kara joined in.
"I guess they did."
Mon El continued to stare. "Forget what I said. It happens when you're happy too."
"What happens?"

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