The Signs as Harry Potter Characters, Their Houses, and Hogwarts Subjects

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1.) Aries - Ginny Weasley

2.) Taurus - Ron Weasley

3.) Gemini - Draco Malfoy

4.) Cancer - Rubeus Hagrid

5.) Leo - Harry Potter

6.) Virgo - Hermione Granger

7.) Libra - Remus Lupin

8.) Scorpio - Bellatrix Lestrange ( please don't be offended you're one of the most passionate, resilient signs which is why she was chosen)

9.) Sagittarius - Sirius Black

10.) Capricorn - Severus Snape

11.) Aquarius - Albus Dumbledore

12.) Pisces - Luna Lovegood


The signs most likely Hogwarts Houses

Aries- Gryffindor or Slytherin

Taurus- Hufflepuff or Slytherin

Gemini- Ravenclaw or Slytherin

Cancer- Slytherin or Hufflepuff

Leo- Gryffindor or Slytherin

Virgo- Gryffindor or Slytherin

Libra- Hufflepuff or Slytherin

Scorpio- Slytherin or Gryffindor

Sagittarius- Hufflepuff or Gryffindor

Capricorn- Slytherin or Ravenclaw

Aquarius- Gryffindor or Ravenclaw

Pisces- Hufflepuff or Gryffindor


The Signs as Hogwarts Subjects

1.) Aries- Care of Magical Creatures

2.) Taurus- Herbology

3.) Gemini- History of Magic

4.) Cancer- Charms

5.) Leo- Defense Against the Dark Arts

6.) Virgo- Potions

7.) Libra- Muggle Studies

8.) Scorpio- Ancient Runes

9.) Sagittarius- Flying

10.) Capricorn- Transfiguration

11.) Aquarius- Arithmancy

12.) Pisces- Divination


Comment if I was correct about your signs houses or if I was wrong comment what house you are in

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