「Your Information」

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(Y/n) (L/n)




Skin Colour-



Their hair is half shaved. They have medium hair at their left side.

Their hair is highlighted (F/c) since it came along with their quirk.

Their tongue is pierced because of a family tradition.

The eyebrows are rounded.
The eye colour is (E/c).


The chest of body are an A-cup.

The body has the structure of a female body

The person's sex organs may not be answered due to embarrasement







Quirk Name:

Nigreous Tractatus

Quirk's origin:

Nigreous Tractatus can be used separately or combined. Numerous Tractus are two different quirks from a family of h̨̤̪͇̫͖̰̬͈̕̕e͏̵̸̧͉̟̭͍̞̦̜̫͈̻͏̵̸̧͉̟̭͍̞̦̜̫͈̻͏̵̸̧͉̟̭͍̞̦̜̫͈̻o̡̕͘͡҉̗͓̮͚̭̠ų̣̩̯̬̪̙̟̝͈͉͎̜͘s̭̜̹͚̟̖̖̬̪̻̙̥̩̠̥͈͝͝- mannered "civilians".

Quirk's Information:

The quirk has two powers. The power to mind control/manipulating the person and the power to have people or anything that has a state of mind can be used for their darkest secrets and/or their biggest regrets. It can also be used at the same time.

Quirk In-Use:

When the quirk is in use, the user can only do it 20 times for 15 minutes but, needs to rest at least 5 minutes to do it again.

For the manipulation, the subject can be held on for 10 minutes and can control at least 3 people.

If used at the same time, the user can do it 10 times for 7 minutes and manipulation can be held for 6 minutes and can control 1 to 2.

How to use it:

The user has to go near the person and whisper what will trigger the subject or the user has to hold their head(you place your hands on their temples)for 3 to 5 seconds to get their mind.

The power to use manipulation, the user has to touch and hold the subjects skin for 5 to 10 seconds.

After effects:

After the quirk is being used, when the user uses the Nigreous, the user will lose their conscious as well as massive migraine if held the power for more than 15 minutes or you don't wait the 5 minutes of rest.

If the user manipulate the subject for longer than 10 minutes, they will start to have a nose bleed as well as a headache but it won't be as bad unless they do it more than 2 to 3 extra minutes.

What can also cause the quirk:

Emotions can cause the quirk as well, if the user is feeling anger, envy or jealousy on a specific person.
It can cause the person to be stuck in a pitch black abyss like the power Nigreous.

It can also be caused on the user if they are depressed, or feeling sadness.


"Is that all of the questions you would like to ask?" The person, (Y/n) crossed their arms and the 3 people in black suits as well as having some clear glasses looked at the subject they were talking to and looked at each other discussing what other questions they need to ask. Someone who didn't discuss the questions with the other 2. "Are you sexually active?"

The subject, (Y/n) was offended a bit as well as shocked but, curious as well. "Um, I may not answer this question since it is a very personal question." (Y/n) had answered to the male in black. "May I ask why that was a question?" The man in black had looked at the subject and pushed his glasses up. "Well, it was to see if your quirk changed or didn't. If you were sexually active, your quirk may have developed some things but, it seems it has not since our last check up."

(Y/n) had understood what the man had meant now. "Thank you for joining us today, you may now leave." (Y/n) had stood up and left the gray (and what felt like) asylum. As (Y/n) had left the room, the 3 people in the black suit had suspicions on how you answered with some of the questions.


Sexually active:


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