「Chapter II 」

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“Alright class, I’m going to explain this once and you shall pay attention closely.” Boomed a female voice in the silent, dead class. “You are invited from the “1st” best High School, U.A.” The female teacher had started walking with a ruler in hand. The click of her heels kept taunting the elder students, knowing not to do any funny business. “U.A. has been wanting our best students to go teach the class 1-A.” The 3rd grade classmates kept staring at the chalkboard, not even moving a single muscle. “Most of you, or perhaps all of you heard of 1-A. They seem like heroes but as always, that high school don't show how heroes are suppose to act, and how to properly save and fight.”

The teacher kept smacking the ruler to her hands, seeing if any student is goofing off or even the slightest movement that'll cause a distraction to all students. “But nevertheless, U.A. needs at least 4 or 5 greatest students. These students were chosen specifically and they are already paired with what 1-A student they'll have.” The busty female walks back to the chalkboard. “The names will be revealed after they will notify us on what specific day and time.” The teacher turned her back on the class and had started teaching the class on how to teach the 1-A students.

“First, you'll have to introduce your hero name. You shall never, and I mean never give out your full name. U.A. will have to tell their students that you’ll have to keep your names hidden.” The teacher starts writing lists on what is important and what are the class going to teach the junior students. “Second, the most important is don't show any weakness! What I mean by that is, don’t let your guard down as well as don't act friendly. You teach them proper manner.” The teacher smacks her ruler after each rule and reasoning. “U.A wants you to teach them how you become when you have mastered your quirk. Well, our school wants you to teach them the right doings.”

“If the school ever receives a bad reputation on how we treat other students, then we will no longer have you in this school. You cannot mess up or act up inside or outside of school.” The teacher had a strict vibe and her tone of voice had everyone's head stuck onto what she said. Echoing and echoing countless of times and wouldn't go away. A hand rose up and the teacher violently stared at the person who dared raised their hand. “(L/n) (Y/n), what may you propose?” The student blinked boredly. “Well, isn't there that one student who wouldn't listen to anyone else. How do we teach him how to act right?” The teacher took a minute to answer. “If they are unteachable and intolerable. Don't waste your energy on them.” The same student, (Y/n) (L/n), rose their hands again. The teacher getting a bit provoked by this but, nevertheless she didn't show it. She answered (Y/n) to have them speak again. “Wouldn't that have a bad record on Tomo’s H.A?” The teacher was a bit confuzzled. “A bad record?” “That means that Tomo’s students can’t teach intolerable and misbehaved students. Then that'll effect other future students who want to go here as well as in the school, too.”

The teacher stood silent. The teacher couldn't think about what the student just argued about. The teacher couldn't speak or argue with her student. “W-Well um,...” The teacher stuttured her words. Everyone except one were astonished at what was happening. The teacher looks away, pulls up her glasses and replies to (Y/n). “W-Well, you might as well try to teach them.”


“Senpai-kun!” A squeaky voice was heard in the busy halls. Everyone didn't bother looking who it was since they liked to talk about one thing and not to hear others… well some other students might listen. “Senpai-kun!” The voice boomed again, the hurried girl reaching to her most adored person. “Senpai-kun! I found you!” (Y/n) wasn't amused by this and just looked at the 2nd grade student. “If you keep acting up like that and a teacher or worse the vice principal as well as the principal, you're going to kiss that butt of yours a goodbye.” The female blushes and looks away. “Sorry…” (Y/n) looks at their locker and back at the female.

“Don't apologize. You can’t apologize for your actions but,” the female 2nd grade student looked at her admired soon-to-be hero. “You can change your ways the next time you want to see me.” The girl smiles and makes a soft noise to express her happiness. “Don't be too happy, it'll effect your reputation later on the years.” The girl took her senpai’s advise and didn't act too happy. “Well senpai-kun, there’s been a rumor that has you written all over it.” “Just get to the point.” “Well first, it was that there was a U.A high schooler who barely even noticed.” The 3rd grade students answered her with a hum of agreement. “Which I think or it maybe is that they mistaken you cause you don't really talk to anyone.” (Y/n) had walked away from their locker and the tiny girl went after them. “I've been informed.” (Y/n) spoke nonchalantly.

“Another one was how the teacher reacted to you. That was tots cool!!” The female was bundled up in joy and had to express it. “Haruhi, again. You're way too happy.” “S-Sorry!” (Y/n) sighs at Haruhi Tomoki. Haruhi was like (Y/n) biggest fan no matter what (Y/n) would do. Haruhi would always try to follow (Y/n)’s path. “Everyone is amazed on how you made her choke up on her words.” (Y/n) firmly turned to Haruhi. “I will advise you not to speak this out loud. These are silly rumors that may come out true-,” Haruhi gasps. “So it is true!” “Or false. I don't believe in rumors and rumors are just ways to ruins someone's reputation.” (Y/n) walked away from the still Haruhi. Haruhi sighs while the figure of (Y/n) disappears in a split. ‘I got to talk to senpai-kun more than last time!!!’


(Y/n) was walking home, until a black Aston Martin DB11. “What are you doing (L/n)-san?” The chauffeur questioned (Y/n). “I'm walking home.” (Y/n) kept looking straight, didn't bother to look at their chauffeur. “But, (L/n)-san, your appointment is at 6:30 and its an hour drive from your school to there.” (Y/n) stops and looks at the chauffeur. “What about home?” “It'll be an extra 40 minute drive. Your parents want you there to be exactly at 6:30.” (Y/n) looked aside to think about it. “What time is it now?”



“Where is that girl?!” A male voice boomed. “Orochi, I think you should calm down your anger. You know it'll give you wrinkles and affect your quirk.” Orochi quickly glares at his wife but calms. “She's always late, why does she come late? She knows she's not suppose to be late! But she makes it such a habit of hers!” Orochi growls and his wife, Ayami tried to calm him down.

“What habit makes you so pissy?” A female voice had both heads turning to who it was. “Your late.” “Its 6:30, so, no I'm not.” The father of (Y/n) was getting irritated. “I-,” “(Y/n) (L/n).”(Y/n) casually walked to the room that needed them.

{Katsuki Bakugou x Transgender!Reader} Your Insults Hurt More than Your QuirkWhere stories live. Discover now