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donghyuck pov

I was getting a bit bored, it was English class and we were learning about Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream.

Right now, Miss Kang was just talking about love. 

What is love? I wanna know know know know what is love?

She seems so engrossed in this topic, I think Miss Kang is thinking about Taeyong.

I let out a yawn and stared at the girl sitting next to me.

She was really pretty. But a lot of girls in this world were pretty so I didn't really care to be honest.

I started fidgeting with pieces of her hair, it was really soft and silky.

She turned around and gave me a glare, I gave her a sweet smile and kept playing with her hair.

This seemed to piss her off quite a lot as she looked really mad. I secretly chuckled at her.

I let go of her hair and started doodling on her notebook. I drew stuff like 'Oh Lee Donghyuck is the best!' and 'I love Lee Donghyuck!'

She snatched her notebook away from me and Miss Kang noticed.

"As I can see, clearly Miss Bae and Mr Lee are getting along quite well. So why don't you two work together for the English project, the topic will be to list the different ways love is portrayed throughout the play."

I hear a gasp next to me and I turned and saw her eyes widen in shock.

I just laughed and whispered, "We're gonna ace this, okay honey?"

She murmured, "We'd better."

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