Chapter 2

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Buba: Did we what?

At least one of the two wear full pajamas shirt and everything...

You: *mumbling your words* D......did we...... you know......became... uhhhh-

Marshall: UGH just spit it out.

You: SHUT UP! Did we become... intimate?

Marshall and Buba look at each other as if asking the other what to say. Them not talking makes you uneasy and your head hurt just a bit. Did you give yourself for the first time to two guys at the same time?! OH MY GLOB OH MY GLOB OH MY GLOB!!!!!

Marshall: Definitely not. You would have remembered having a taste of me~

Buba: Grose...

You: Yeah...

Buba: Besides. I wouldn't let anyone in my care be touched with out consent or super vision. I also am not comfortable with the thought of my little flower being dishevelled by some one with the means like Marshall. At least not with out her Fatherly Figure!

You never knew your parents, much like Finoa. So after gumball found that out he swore to be your perfect Fatherly Figure. Even tho you three are close to the same age. All in all you don't mind him doing that, mainly because you just want to hear him call you baby girl. Its soooo hot when guys call you baby girl. One time you even stooped so low as to trick Marshall in to calling you that through a game of charades. You really are a malevolent girl.

Marshall: Your not her dad tho... why do you keep acting like it. is creepy man.

Buba: you got to grow up knowing your father and i know that father gum always supported me and my sister Nelly. I don't think its fare her that she doesn't know fatherly love (blah blah blah blah)

As they get in to their rant you sneak out, gather your things (aka a hunting knife, a pencil and a sketch book) and you leave. Wandering through the candy kingdom you watch the candy people do their usual business and try to sketch some of them out. Then all of a sudden magic woman appears in front of you. Man you never know when your going to need a hunting knife with her. Thats why you always bring one.

MagWoman: ZAPOW!! *she casts a magical spell on you then she vanishes*


You don't feel anything weird or wrong with your body. Its almost like she did nothing to you but you know she did. You can feel it in your gut. She is never up to any good. You continue sketching for a few minutes. It starts to get hotter.... Or maybe you start to get hotter... and something else. You can't describe that something else. It feels tingly and uncomfortable... down there... where your legs and thighs meet. OH NO...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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